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    Tacoma, WA

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I've got the basics out of the way, but this is my first mod...This thing is awesome! Only, I don't really (embarassingly, perhaps) know what the difference between upping the voltage vs upping the resistance is...If you could enlighten me on that, I'd greatly appreciate it!
  2. Ok, thanks guys. I've been doing the dump-the-last-bit thing even with the ego 1 mil tanks, and that has been substantially better (considering that I sort of figured that one out on my own). I didn't, however, realize that it was a function of heat; I thought the stuff oxodized or something. Thank you for the info! Vape on, homies, - Datamancer
  3. Hey all, I just picked myself up a nifty 5ml tank (mostly because it looks cool and fits nicely with my new Vamo). After using eGos for about a year, I know that the juice goes bad after awhile sitting in the tank (and those things are barely 1ml!). Thus, I am already paranoid about putting a full 5ml into my new tank. Any suggestions for keeping the juice fresh? Am I fighting a losing battle here? Thanks guys
  4. Hey Guys, figured I'd introduce myself, I've been rocking eCigs since before they were any good. I had some with the form factor of a real cigarette, that costed like $80 and had that weird fleece crap in the tanks. Those sucked, and I always ended up smoking cigarettes despite them. My Aunt got big into eCigs and, since seeing and trying her $20 eGo, I was immediately impressed at how much the technology had changed over the course of 4 years. About a year ago, I got a couple eGos, one of which was a twist. I enjoyed the twist, but didn't care for the standard ones. I like being able to tweak the voltage a bit here and there. Today, I recieved my Vamo in the mail and a 5ml tank. It's freaking awesome (but I have a question or two about it, which is why I signed up. I'll be posting those questions in separate threads). Anyway, Hey all!
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