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Everything posted by OhmWrecker

  1. I loved watching USC back in the reggie bush days. The guy was fantastic to watch.
  2. More than likely it would combust the alcohol unless you use a very diluted alcohol just stick to dry burning or just make a new coil
  3. What PG/VG ratio are you using in your juice? A higher PG will result in more of a throat hit so you can always try different PG/VG ratios to get your liking. Get a higher VG and see if you like it better.
  4. I didn't know we created the earth lol. I must have taken the wrong history class.
  5. I'm vaping Baja Splash with my plume veil and Tac mods AR mech.
  6. That's a lot of wattage to play around with lol. you should be able to blow some great clouds at .1-.2 ohms with the IPV 3 you'll have to post a review on it after you get it I was thinking about pre-ordering it but I think i'll wait a little bit. It should be really nice with your mutation x build.
  7. I wish you luck on your journey to quitting analogs it's not an easy one but you can do it. I was really grouchy when I exclusively started vaping I felt like I wasn't getting my nicotine fix. When I got my mom a E-Cig to try she didn't like it she didn't think the hits felt the same but then she would slowly cut back on the analogs week by week until she just wasn't even buying them anymore. I was different from her but everybody has there differences and some people have harder times than others you just have to keep with it and look to the future positives of not smoking.
  8. And blueberry custard by VapeTrik, Just got it to try it and i'm pretty impressed by it.
  9. Baja Splash
  10. He is a stud, I love watching him lay out a quarterback just not Nick Foles lol I always try to watch every game I can, My sundays mainly consist of a lot of food and football lol
  11. Anyone else here follow NFL football? I love watching any football but I mainly follow NFL. Who are the players you like to watch or your favorite players? Who is your team? My team is the Philadelphia Eagles I love the way our season has started even though we've been down going into the half every game lol. I like watching most players but LeShaun McCoy is my favorite player in the game right now. I love to watch Megatron as well as Earl Thomas lll. Fly Eagles Fly!!!!
  12. I have to say i'm a UK fan and there actually worth watching this year lol
  13. Yeah let it dry for a bit then it should be fine at least that's how it was when I was relaxing by a pool and mine sank to the bottom lol
  14. How did you even find that lol I didn't actually think it was a real rant about vaping until I read the comments on it it seems like someone did it just for fun but was the dude serious?
  15. I like the look of your set-up looks slick. the Doge looks like it's got some nice airflow as well, I like the look of it might have to check them out lol.
  16. Well I don't really have the option to go to a vape shop, as there's not any around without an hour drive lol. So I haven't had any chance to check them out, Sucks that they are after the money and not having a respectable shop. The only thing I could say is if you find something you like there go back home and research it, that way next time you go in there you know what to look at to see if its authentic or at best a good clone.
  17. If you need the help I'm more than willing to lend my free-time to the site. I've had my share of sites I built, and want to help with this awesome forum.
  18. That would be a great shirt to have, I would purchase one lol.
  19. It's a very funny movie, I had to re watch it just to see that scene I didn't even notice it the first time I watched it lol.
  20. Yeah it kinda looks look it. I'd take it back to them I hope there not selling clones as the authentic's.
  21. Here's how my Vamo V5 looks.
  22. mine has a white hard rubber seal around it so you don't see the circuit and the pin is secured i'll post a pick of mine.
  23. If your vamo won't stay on take off both battery attachments and see if the pin for the positive is not pushed into the seal that holds it. Make sure its flush or sticking out a little. I had the same problem but after i pushed the seal down around it, it worked fine.
  24. Looks nice I plan on making a unregulated mod here soon. There's just something about making your own mod that sounds satisfying lol
  25. I'll definitely have to try that never really thought about putting that into a KPT. I have a feeling i'm going to like that better than the coils i have in them now
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