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    Firemanvape got a reaction from Uma in Anyone Up For A Pft?   
    I don't know if this has been tried before or if it would even be considered valid but what the hey.

    Being prior military and a current career firefighter I have been taking PFT's annually for about the last 8 years. (PFT= Pulmonary Function Test= Lung strength and capacity test)

    Most Dr's offices should have the equipment to perform them and they tell you a lot about your lungs as well as them already having well documented numbers based on age, sex, AND use of tobacco products.

    Another thing to look into is going down to your local EMS building/ Dr's office and requesting to have your vitals checked getting a base line BP, SPo2 (blood oxygen saturation), and resting pulse rate.

    If we could get a good number of people to get these tests and numbers documented we could potentially have a study that isn't pro big tobacco.

    I don't have the time to really handle the workload but I just think it could be very beneficial in the long run. I would suggest that many parameters be recorded for categorizing and also to get as many pro's and con's as possible.

    a sample format could be

    Current tobacco usage/length of use(if applicable):
    Time since last tobacco usage(if applicable):
    Current Vaping habits(if applicable):
    XX/XX/XXXX- XXX/XX BP, XX% SPo2, XX resting PR
    XX/XX/XXXX- XXX/XX BP, XX% SPo2, XX resting PR
    XX/XX/XXXX- XXX/XX BP, XX% SPo2, XX resting PR
    XX/XX/XXXX- XXX/XX BP, XX% SPo2, XX resting PR
    (recommend having vitals checked on a quarterly basis, as well as recording any other vital checks ie. DR visits, EMT visits, etc.)
    PFT results(upload image of print-out):
    PFT results(upload image of print-out):
    PFT results(upload image of print-out):
    PFT results(upload image of print-out):

    Now if it seems like it's a lot of work that's because it is, however besides the potential value to vapers world wide it would also show you any improvements/ degradation, weight gain or loss, etc. associated with vaping.

    Now I could "probably" get all this information from current smoking and nonsmoking firefighters/emt's I work with for a control and comparison but the real data needed is from vapers.

    I totally understand if this is "too" much but the potential is massive, if we could prove BP and SPo2 are lower in vapers than smokers of the same demographic or from smokers converting to vape, if we could prove that lung performance is drastically improved, weight is lost, etc. we could have a very solid piece of documented data to confront people with to enlighten, convert, or appease.

    Anyways if this gets off the ground I will gladly begin gathering the info on the current smokers and non-smokers.
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