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Everything posted by Firemanvape

  1. On my browser those 2 vids were identical... I don't know if that was unintentional or not but if it was what's the other trick? I am definitely going to try this because I'm hugely dissappointed in my attys...
  2. Well I have just been cleaning all surfaces and draining my attys trading them out mid day. And I think my attys are on their way out. The vapor production has fell off something fierce and what they do produce only lasts an hour tops before I have to slow drag straight into my lungs to get a TH... ugh.. shoulda went carto off the bat. Are there any attys anyone has found to be more reliable? I would still like to at the house and such but don't feel like replacing attys every few days. Btw my eGo kit came from nicotine nirvana and has their logo on it if that makes any difference at all.
  3. So, I have been reading a lot on cleaning and I've seen dry burns, vodka soaks, boiling, draining, blowing, qtips, hankies, etc. Then there's every night, once a week, when vapor production slows, never, etc. I have read that cleaning could very well be the major contributing factor to atty failures. It was recommended to me that I should just wipe all threads and exterior surfaces and just turn the atty batt side up over night to drain. What are the opinions on this?
  4. I think most forum users are on atleast 1-2 other forums so sometimes people forget vaping is relatively new and the search function doesn't always yield a shat ton of info. Plus things change pretty rapidly and a question asked a million times before could have a different answer today.
  5. Sorry for the double post. Lol
  6. Well I know for a fact I'm saving amounts of money! I sent 130 for my eGo starter kit, passthrough, and 125ml of juice. My eGo supplies should last as long as my attys do (I'm just dripping with a blank cart for a tip) and my juice should last me about 4 months. Next payday ill be buying a carton (50) of cartos, probably 2 more attys, a couple more 30ml juices and a drip tip or 2. Which will run about another 130. So after 260 invested I will have enough supplies to last me approx. 220ish days. Now I know I will make other purchases here and there so ill estimate $300 and up the supply to 250. At those prices I'm vaping for $1.2 a day opposed to $6-8. Avg being $7 that's a savings of $5.8 a day so by oct. Vaping will have paid for itself and by april I will have saved roughly $1100
  7. I really wish I could head this project up but I work 72+ hour weeks...
  8. Most people will probably say that the same results can be had by simply quitting smoking but vaping in the 2 whatever years since it's beginnings has probably contributed to more successful quitting than any smoking cessation method for the last 20. Anyways I really wish I could head this up but I work 72+ hours a week so I really don't have the time...
  9. Well I just received my eGo and passthrough battery today... about an hour ago. Thanks to the passthrough I have already begun vaping! yay! I have basically just been dripping my atty and using the blank cartridge for a tip. I've found that 2 drops actually lasts longer than my craving. When dripping should I just try to drip enough to vape or is it ok to leave a little left over till my next vape session? And if I'm dripping now how much less is cartomizing going to hit me? honestly dripping is almost a little TOO much for me right now. i'm dripping 24mg (nicotine nirvana sent me about a 12ml free sample) and I can only handle like 1 vape a minute...
  10. I did purchase a cig looking ecig (the only thing I could find locally and instore.) and it didn't work at all... From what I've gathered dripping with an atty uses up your juice a lot faster than cartridges and carto's.. is this true? Does anyone have any idea on average how long carto will last? like how many ml's or how many refills, etc...
  11. I don't know if this has been tried before or if it would even be considered valid but what the hey. Being prior military and a current career firefighter I have been taking PFT's annually for about the last 8 years. (PFT= Pulmonary Function Test= Lung strength and capacity test) Most Dr's offices should have the equipment to perform them and they tell you a lot about your lungs as well as them already having well documented numbers based on age, sex, AND use of tobacco products. Another thing to look into is going down to your local EMS building/ Dr's office and requesting to have your vitals checked getting a base line BP, SPo2 (blood oxygen saturation), and resting pulse rate. If we could get a good number of people to get these tests and numbers documented we could potentially have a study that isn't pro big tobacco. I don't have the time to really handle the workload but I just think it could be very beneficial in the long run. I would suggest that many parameters be recorded for categorizing and also to get as many pro's and con's as possible. a sample format could be Name: Sex: Age: Height/weight: Current tobacco usage/length of use(if applicable): Time since last tobacco usage(if applicable): Current Vaping habits(if applicable): XX/XX/XXXX- XXX/XX BP, XX% SPo2, XX resting PR XX/XX/XXXX- XXX/XX BP, XX% SPo2, XX resting PR XX/XX/XXXX- XXX/XX BP, XX% SPo2, XX resting PR XX/XX/XXXX- XXX/XX BP, XX% SPo2, XX resting PR (recommend having vitals checked on a quarterly basis, as well as recording any other vital checks ie. DR visits, EMT visits, etc.) PFT results(upload image of print-out): PFT results(upload image of print-out): PFT results(upload image of print-out): PFT results(upload image of print-out): Now if it seems like it's a lot of work that's because it is, however besides the potential value to vapers world wide it would also show you any improvements/ degradation, weight gain or loss, etc. associated with vaping. Now I could "probably" get all this information from current smoking and nonsmoking firefighters/emt's I work with for a control and comparison but the real data needed is from vapers. I totally understand if this is "too" much but the potential is massive, if we could prove BP and SPo2 are lower in vapers than smokers of the same demographic or from smokers converting to vape, if we could prove that lung performance is drastically improved, weight is lost, etc. we could have a very solid piece of documented data to confront people with to enlighten, convert, or appease. Anyways if this gets off the ground I will gladly begin gathering the info on the current smokers and non-smokers.
  12. Ya I think I've decided to just use the VT one as my wife will probably never know that it isn't offset by the cost of vaping... lol
  13. Wow lots of good information! thank you! However... with more information comes more questions So, what is an eGo the way it is? I was under the impression that it was a cartomizer. I think I understand now that it is actually an atomizer?? and Carto's replace the cartridge and atomizer on the eGo? Now with the having extras thing, should I alternate between my 2 eGo's to prolong their individual lives or should I just use one till it poops out and then swap? (I understand this is a personal preference answer and very subjective, just looking for opinions) Anyways from what I have been reading Carto's are the more cost efficient way to go whereas the atty's are for the more discerning vapers. would you guys say this is true? Oh and I purchased a passthrough battery for the car (I have a 12v to usb adapter) that I can also use in case of emergencies. Thank you all again.
  14. Thank you Jolly! have you tried it out? Chris, I was just wondering because I'd like to have something to show the wife in a couple months because she thinks I'm wasting money on vaping.
  15. It is a common misconception that Lactic acid causes muscle pain, more accurately Lactic acid usually accompanies muscle pain. Like it was mentioned before the muscle soreness can probably be attributed to dehydration. The lactic acid produced by the PG can actually end up benefiting you if you exercise. You may need to begin incorporating high intensity training into your workouts to build up your MCT1 and MCT4 levels (the transporters of lactate in and out of muscles). If you don't work out or don't have time for a real regimen you could just do a couple wind sprints whenever convenient and you would gain the benefits of extra energy. Lactic acid is actually potential energy for our muscles, and it's the most versatile source of energy we have (on a molecular level) as it can be converted into energy by 2 means as opposed to one like glucose, etc. Just a little info for any of you fitness buffs out there...
  16. Very good point. I have a 4yr old who especially after tasting it would go to town, hmmmm what should I call it?
  17. Are there any smoke free counters that offset the "$ saved" value by the costs of vaping? Is there anyone who can make one? or should I just average out my vaping costs per day and subtract that from the cost per pack in the existing counter? Anyways thank you...
  18. Now I know that a lot of my questions have already been answered but in my experience the more questions that can be asked and answered in one thread the easier it is for future noobs to get the info they are looking for. First off, I am a pack a day smoker currently. And here is a list of the equipment I've ordered and my plans: 1 Joye eGo starter kit (2 batts, 2 attys, 2 cones, usb charger, wall adapter, and a few preloaded cartridges.) 1 inline 350mAh battery (vape while plugged in) 4 30ml bottles of nu-juice (100% PG, extra shot, 16mg-24mg nicotine, medium-aggressive TH) My plans are to carry one full eGo and keep one set up with the inline batt in the car so I don't run down my personal batteries while driving (or whenever it's convenient to plug in). I plan on only vaping roughly 5 minutes at a time similar to the way I smoke now (ie. puff rate and how often I take a vape break) Now for the questions: #1 Do I need to go ahead and order a stock of empty cartridges? #2 How long can I refill the preloaded ones for?(All I will have are the preloaded ones) #3 Is it just the wick in the cartridge that goes bad? #4 has anyone tried to find a suitable wick substitute for repacking cartridges? #5 Is there any need to have the 2 eGo's or is it just a convenience thing? #6 How many drops on average does it take to get the equivalent of an analog (avg. being 5 minutes) #7 Is there any other "must have" equipment? #8 Is there any thing you can think of that I need to know, remember, think about, plan for, or avoid? Thank you all in advance, this whole vaping thing is a lot more complicated that I had anticipated but it seems like somewhat of a legitimate hobby.
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