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Everything posted by Firemanvape

  1. Hey, sorry guys, I've been super effing busy lately... anyways Jolly, I was wanting 5v and id really like it if I could get a 801 atty connector that sits nearly flush with the case. Just so I could pop the tip on and off instead of needing to unscrew the atty everytime. But if not I'm sure ill be alright with it. I would say if you can't maybe you could find a good place for an atty in the case. And batteries I would say whatever is easiest for you.
  2. I think ill end up selling/donating my eGo once my box mods are up and running reliably. I mainly meant I wouldn't want to start using 5v and then have to go back to my eGo and hate it.
  3. Well I think vendor juices would be at the trading parties' discretion. I'd say absolutely no passing vendor juice as DIY! But if someone had some nicotinenirvana tobacco blend I would trade for it. And I'm sure everyone has a certain flavor they would trade for.
  4. Damn! My wife has given me enough grief already! That's ok though it would be nice to have a massive stash of everything I need anyways. I hate to ask these questions because I'm sure they've been answered but what do we think will be banned? I mean PG and VG will always be available, flavor probably won't be banned as it can be used for other things, I'm guessing attys and cartos will be banned but I'm wondering if connectors will be banned... ugh! Is anyone else just stockpiling nic, attys/cartos, and connectors? I think that's what I will do and just make a bunch of box mods.
  5. Should I be stockpiling? Lol. I haven't even thought about it! Anyways I would love to go 5v but I think a PT would end up ruining me on the go. I think ill start with a 5v box and then pick up a PT for at home and in the car. Thanks for all the replies!
  6. So I wanted to see if my issues were common or not. To start I got a Joye eGo that I was just dripping with a blank cartridge for a tip, then I got an LR atty, Carto's (5 reg and 5 LR's), and a drip tip. Now that I have (had it just died!) an LR atty I can no longer use my standard atty's! I used to switch out between my 2 reg atty's and when I started using my LR the standards didn't do it for me anymore. I had issues with carto's but I think I just needed to give it some more time as they are working pretty well for me now. So anyways now I want to make a box mod and start vaping at 5v, should I just avoid it? I don't want my eGo to go to waste like my standard atty's did! Do you guys think the moment I get a 5v up and running I will turn my back on the eGo (based on my reaction of LR vs. standard atty's)? I'm a little worried. I think I'm going to go ahead and build one but am thinking maybe I should wait to use it until I have a couple and get them completely ready to take over vaping duties. Anyways let me know if this has happened to you or maybe you have some tips and tricks to bring the eGo up into 5v class.
  7. Hey guys! forgot to say thanks for the vid! doing this to all my atty's now! it's WAY better!
  8. Ya I just seen it when I was looking through some sites researching for a box mod and thought I'd share it. If only it was rechargeable! 1.9Ah would be awesome!
  9. Ya I was just thinking that lots of people would love to share their stuff and lots more people would love to taste other peoples stuff too. If someone wants to start off by listing their favorite flavors they've mixed up and getting some ready for shipment that would be great. otherwise once I have some stuff mixed up I will be on this like a spider monkey! And thanks BEERCITY, I've used this avi on all my forums. I'll be changing it before too long so feel free to borrow it when I do.
  10. I COMPLETELY agree with the whole BC thing. I gave all mine out (12) in less than a week. To the VT guys ever think about maybe stickying a comprehensive how to, things needed, and a list of cooperating suppliers and put the hyperlink on a BC and send them out to us? There is just soooo much info and soooo many different suppliers that a universal BC would be awesome! and you might even be able to work out a forum discount with the suppliers.
  11. I would advise maybe including Vaportalk in your handout with your SN for when they have further questions. Also one thing I have run into A LOT is people not wanting to put in too much time and money so recommending a simpler and cheaper kit to start with might be a good idea. (for instance I have an eGo which I highly recommend to people but if they want to go a cheaper route I recommend the 510)
  12. Don't worry I haven't even gotten started yet. I was just reading through the forum and see a lot of instances where people are talking about how much they love some of their flavors and I just thought it would be nice if we could all share our faves (and mine when I get some! lol)
  13. Ya know I didn't even see the fact that it isn't rechargeable. damn! Thanks anyways!
  14. I know I'm new to this whole thing and haven't even started mixing my own stuff yet but I thought this could be a good idea! What would everyone think about starting a Juice exchange? I would imagine it would start out being everyone mixing up a whole bunch of 3ml bottles of their favorites and sending a sampler kit to everyone involved. And if there are any flavors you really like you can just ask for more in exchange for a flavor they like. Just thinking let me know what you guys think! Oh and a pack of 30 bubble mailers is only $4.00.
  15. It's a Tadiran 3.6v Lithium 1.9 Ah batt. It looks to be (from the pics) similar in size to an AA cell. http://www.jameco.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10001_10001_146114_-1
  16. So I actually started a thread on this but I guess I should have read around first lol. I know my idea will have much less mass appeal than others but as far as a niche goes I really think it would be a hit. Make whatever PV you think is best in a blackberry otterbox case. The case that has a belt holster. I don't know if anyone else is having or forsees issues with carrying a contrabandish looking PV in their workplace but I know I do.
  17. So... I want to build me a 5v box mod. I currently work as a Federal Firefighter on an Army base and am a little worried pulling out a black box with a tube sticking out might raise some red flags. So I have come up with what I feel could be the perfect solution. I feel I'm a little under equipped and qualified to tackle it though. I am thinking a modded otterbox case for a blackberry (the bigger model) would be great as it could be worn drawing little to no attention. I was envisioning epoxying a plastic panel on the inside of the front cover (where the screen and keys would be) and mounting everything to that. (The back side of the phone is the part visible) Anyways, eventually I think I would attempt this project but as of now I think its outside my level of expertise. is anyone interested in a similar box? Anyone got the time and skills to complete it? If so give me a price!
  18. Ya I seen that the 1ml vials were the same bottles they put sample perfumes in I just figured for experimenting it might be a good choice. And I got the recipes for 1ml quantities... but I think you guys are probably right about just using 3ml bottles instead.. Also I think I will trade the bacon for peanut butter because I have noticed ALOT of people use it for tobacco blends.
  19. Soooo.... I've decided to try my hand at mixing juice. I wanted to know if anyone could chime in and fill in any blanks in my shopping list or suggest any additions/modifications. So far this is what I'm buying: From www.xtremevaping.com 125ml jug of PG 30ml of 100mg/ml VG nic From www.purfumersapprentice.com DK Tobacco 15ml flavor Dulce de Leche 4ml flavor French Vanilla 4ml flavor Hazelnut 4ml flavor Maraschino Cherry 4ml flavor Tira Misu 4ml flavor Clove 4ml flavor Beer 4ml flavor Bacon 4ml flavor Eggnog, Pecan, and Root Beer sample flavors (unknown volume) Tobacco Absolute (2. Diluted 50%) 4ml (I know it needs to be further diluted) 10x 10ml bottles with dropper tips 10x 3ml bottles with dropper tips 25x 1ml sampler bottles (for test mixing) 25x disposable pipettes OK, so my plans are to make 1ml bottles of each individual flavor and then start mixing some that seem like they might be good together. Then I'll take the 10 best flavors and make 10ml bottles of those and use the left over flavoring to do other mixes in 3ml bottles. I also plan on Mixing everything up in like 1 or 2 nights and then refrigerating it all. Is there any reason to mix as I go or is that ok? Does anyone forsee any problems or have any advice? Thank you!
  20. Not a problem. UPDATE: I have been through 3 different suppliers of commercial juice and so far the American Blend Tobacco flavor from NicotineNirvana is BY FAR the best juice I've had. It was soooooooo good that I was cutting my nu-juice in with it to try to make it last longer. I am going to start mixing my own juice now and will try my best to duplicate their stuff or I will buy it from them because it is awesome! To anyone who enjoys a tobacco flavored juice I highly recommend picking up a bottle of theirs.
  21. Ok... been pretty busy lately but I'm going to update my sitrep. I'll probably end up doing it in a couple other threads I've started so bear with me. My nu-juice is still under powered, I got a bottle of RY4 from VGalaxy and hate it... I don't think anyone else here knows what cocaine tastes like (maybe you do) but the RY4 had a very strong cokey after taste. Before everyone starts thinking I'm a coke head I worked law enforcement in the military and have tasted coke a couple times. Anyways I mixed my Hazelnut, tobacco(nu-juice), and RY4 together at about a 20% RY4 40/40 nu-juice. That was alright and it has definitely given my nu-juice new life. Now though I am going to start mixing my own stuff and use my nu-juice as a cutter for flavors that I think would go good with the makeshift 555 liquid (the mixed stuff tasted surprisingly similar to the 555 I ordered from nu-juice). Oh and I now have an LR atty and just bought some LR's from xtremevaping.com
  22. Just wanted to put it out there that www.nicotinenirvana.com was wonderful. The price was right, free FAST shipping and they sent a free bottle of e-liquid. Their stuff is all genuine Joyetech and badged with a very attractive "double N." They had my stuff shipped the next day and it arrived in I think 2-3 days time. Anyways all there stuff is free shipping so if you find something there for cheaper than another supplier you also save the $5+ for that. I ordered a Joye eGo dual starter kit and a 510 360mAh passthrough batt and I am very pleased.
  23. Ya so... did the remove fibers under bridge "mod" and with my old e-liquid my atty is back in action! lol. I have to say I am sorely disappointed with the vaporenu nu-juice. I got double shot with an aggressive TH and I had to drip every 2-3 vapes to be satisfied. now I'm dripping one drop of the nu-juice and one of my old stuff (free sample from nicotine nirvana) just to conserve my good stuff and use up some of my nu-juice. I'm hoping if I start messing around with voltage my nu-juice will be good but otherwise I may have to just sell it off or throw it away...
  24. Hmmm. I haven't even looked into upping voltage yet either. But it seems my problem wasn't my Atty it was my juice. I switched back to my free sample and it's great again.
  25. Oh and thank you!
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