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  1. Good luck and welcome to the fun. [emoji2]
  2. Vape on bro just started college and I enjoy going class to class vaping on some sweet e - juice
  3. Gorges69


    Good call. I just want to drop a Cooper spring in my advasary. It's voltage drop was a 2! I managed to drop it to put .7 but I'm thinking a Cooper spring will lower it a little more
  4. Gorges69


    Does anyone know if it's possible to make a spring for your mod. Like using copper wire to make a spring would that work. Any ideas
  5. Seems pricey for that. I'd rather go with a vape sock for about 10. Clips right on to a belt loop
  6. Thanks once I'm out of class I'll post up some pictures. I'm going to the local shop to see if they can help out in anyway. Have a good day gents.
  7. Can you also help with the conductivity issues. It doesn't seem to hit as hard as it should.
  8. Wow you just made my day. I'm not alone lol I really appreciate the effort so I'm guessing I have a "rare" mod?
  9. It is a tobh I do have a plume veil. IQuit your saying you heard of the adversary? Also it's having some issues. It doesn't seem to be firing properly I'm getting very minimal vapor form it.
  10. My plume is black the mod is black as well. Also having some conductivity issues
  11. I really appreciate the help lol I wish there was like a mod wiki with every mod lol I hope it's a legit
  12. It's a 26650 They say it's rare lol
  13. They claim it be the first run hence the low serial number
  14. Right. I'm curious a trusted source of mine claims it to be authentic and a very rare mod.
  15. I bought this mod said to be an authentic adversary but can seem to find it on Google. Also it hits like a pen style battery an ideas why. Thanks for reading -Mike
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