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Everything posted by @hope_photography123

  1. See you use dual parallels and come in around where I did with this build once. Decision was not to use it and I single coiled it.. Came in at half ur build.. Makes me wonder?
  2. So nice set there.. I know that I said mec forum.. But I noticed that our builds on the parallel are both close.. I buy wire at the vape store first time ever knew nothing about different sizes yet.. Lol so the girl gives me a real of some Idk wat? How do you think I might find out what it is?
  3. Yea see I'm not building that low yet.. So I grabbed them up for a Xmas gift to myself.. And then I'm not opening them till Xmas.. Lol
  4. Definitely not the real thing.. Got it from the vape store too! Getting effests 20 amps.. Waiting for these.. Reputable company tho
  5. O meant nothing else quite satisfies myself as a nice cloud once and again.. Idk I cut myself completely off?
  6. So yea we have a mec forum...thanks I'm glad you all added some stats and pics comments! I had to catch up a bit but I'm such a newbie to mecs all of this information great!.. OK so I'm waiting for my meters so I can't add my stats besides the basics (Oh yeah and I'm waiting for my effest batteries 20 amps.. But here's my stats presently My nemi mod Big dripper rda 0.7 ohms Battery at the moment . 18650.. Obviously 1600 mah 3.7V No idea what the drop is yet? I'm staying close to the . 7 .8 1.0ohm range anyway so nothing nuclear... . Basic dual coil build
  7. U know what that rainbow vamo just started working fine? But my husband's his seams to die completely.. And u think it's the board and it's shot.. Suddenly I've gone through this 3 times... After a few days of sitting on the shelf ready to return to fasttech (his is gun metal black) I throw a 18650 battery in or even a small 18350.. The darn thing turns on like nothing was wrong?! So next we use it a day or so... But then.. The thing will die completely even trying new batteries ect.... Was driving me nuts seamed like some juice git in there or something.. Then it's really quite one night... I heard hissing from the table.. That black vamo goes off on its own.. Seriously once it was left in the off mode? It's firing off then kills it completely... But then again a few days pass it works again... Should have fun trying to explain this to fasttech return dept before I send back to them for credit on wires and parts because I am not buying anything else but mecs, wires and parts from them.. Nothing with a chip..!
  8. Hmm well that explains how I also was quite desperate yesterday and ran that. .8ohm build on my twist.. Seriously my twist the ones by kanger? Lol I said I was desperate.. I have since picked up a nemi and some 18650 batteries and charger... Lol
  9. Are all of these fairly safe in a nemi mod with at least 1.0 ohms? Help.. I won't use the yellow because there low discharge.. I heard u need fast discharge.. But safety wise I'm unclear on all of this and I'd like to vape safely... Any advice...
  10. OK so it camr up in anot7dib forum... There's no general mod sub forum.. Like wat kind of battery do I use with my nemi with the coils I built at. .5 ohms... Or how do I get my lock Un locked... (jammed lock try rubber gloves.. Saved me!).. Ect.. So let's talk here till something like a general mod sub forum appears?
  11. Very cool Ive been trying to get some conversation myself about just mecs in general.. Tops are important too but not if u can't understand the way ur mod works then wat are you rebuilding to achieve? Besides there's all kinds of issues sub ohms vaping safe.. Ohms amps and watts /volt.. Still need to know all that if your mec mod vaping...? Let us know... In the meantime I've posted some stuff in modding just because it was the only place I could figure to get a conversation started? Besides right after this conversation was going and I already watch because of my vamo and my itaste
  12. I liked the play on words. It's great to laugh at ourselves.. If we cannot.. Boring life..
  13. I have been loving my mec... I've got a big dripper rda... Lov3 it too [emoji3]
  14. Are you looking for a forum that talks building.. Or wat we like better? Wat mods were using? If it was your sub forum wat would it be titled and wat subjects would be covered? [emoji4]
  15. Yes I saw that... So wats up anyway.. Sry were blowing up the topic... But I'm curious are u building or vaping with interest in conversation learning ect?
  16. There is an option for your own sub forum as well? Why not start it?
  17. [emoji297] [emoji297] [emoji297] [emoji297] [emoji297] Jeff I began I general mod issues topic in moding?
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