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Brandon76 last won the day on June 26 2015

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  1. Only took it 10 days to get out here in Afghanistan to me.
  2. My new addition that came in today.
  3. I've only ran the purple EFeat batteries. I just picked up 2 of the new ones 2800mah ones.
  4. My boss, is wanting a epipe. I have no experience in using them. He's just wanting to know how are the coils like in them?
  5. Got bored at work built me a new dual coil in my Cherry Bomber with a Mad Hatter RDA
  6. Thanks I pulled the trigger this morning and bought the white one
  7. Just bought me a Kanger Subox Mini Kit White.
  8. Thanks so far I'm loving it. Didn't think I would care for a box mod, as this is my first and definitely won't be my last. The Kanger Subox and the Joyetech evic vt are my next 2. Not sure which I want first.
  9. Well I'm torn between this and the Kanger Subox mini kit.
  10. Got my new Cherry Bomber in today. Had to edit the pic a little.
  11. Anyone heard of this one before?
  12. 9 bottles of juice, a box of 2 EFest 18650 batteries, extra coils. Dripping on Melon Fury right now on my new Mad Hatter RDA, haven't used the Atlantis Mega, waiting on my Tesla 120w TC Metal Box Mod to come in.
  13. Just bought me a Tesla 120w TC metal box mod.
  14. Got my mail today. 9 bottles of juice Mad Hatter 2 batteries Atlantis coils and with an Atlantis Mega.
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