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Everything posted by jsiddlehfx

  1. Hits like a freight train w/ the TH... I could not get one good deep lung hit with the small sample bottle I got free at vape blast... Probably ok for tank-based VV devices, but my RDA and my Throat weren't happy...
  2. I have purchased an HCIGAR clone of a Turtleship V2 and an EHPRO Tobh V2 Coil was fabricated at my local shop and watched him do it, so I have a jist of how to get one done... It is a Dual Coil 28GA 8 Wrap .7 OHM Build using Organic Cotton Juice is a Seduce Juice Blackjack, MAX VG 6MG Battery is a EFEST IMR 18650 3.7V LI-MN 2500mAh 35A Battery Charger is a Trustfire (Not sure how good it is) At work I will only be hitting it a couple times before shift, on breaks and a few at lunch, should that battery handle that? What if at home for the day? How long should it last? The guy at the shop said I will KNOW when it needs to be put on charger... Will I? What should I look out for? Seems I need to pick up an ohm / voltage meter... Any suggestions? anything portable? Apparently theres a charger than can bring these batteries back from over discharge? What is it? Where can I get it? What are some risks(if any) that I am creating by running this setup? How can I avoid them? Prepare for them?
  3. It's actually a 35A batt, erest? some name like that... I work at an electronics shop so I can probably pick up a voltage and ohm tester
  4. So I just purchased a turtleship and Tobh v2 rda.. The guy at the shop built me a .6 ohm dual coil setup. 28 GA wire with 8 wraps each side. My battery is the purple 18650, 30 a I believe... What do I need to know about the battery? How do I know when to charge? How can I tell via the vape? What else do I need to know along safety?
  5. How much? with batts?
  6. Lol I feel ya... Thinking of picking up a Vamo... Should I? Is it really gonna be a game changer from an ego c twist?
  7. Anyone have one? How do you like it? How long have you had it? Right now, I am running an EGO C TWIST w/ a Nautilus Mini I really like this setup, don't get me wrong, just kinda curious as to how much better my vaping experience could be... I was talking with a friend last night and I thought that mech mods with RDAs offered a cool smoke that's why cloud chasers lung inhale and produce what they do. He set me straight on that, which kinda turned me off the idea. I am still on the fence about an APV, sounds nice, higher outputs and removable batteries... Help me out guys! ALSO, whats the max I should pay for one? My local shop has em for 60... just the device... Noticed on Vamos site, that you can get just the device for like 30 and for 60 get it with battery and charger.
  8. Pickle Juice? hmm..... Finishing off a bottle of Dragon Fruit... it's ok... Plan on changing it up Friday on payday
  9. Nice, I do paracord work myself, made tons of bracelets, dog collars, leeshes, etc... Might have to look into it and see what they look like
  10. What did you get?
  11. That sounds awesome. Plan on going to a vape convention tomorrow, will they have areas to sample different lines and what not? never been to one
  12. Thinking I might sell my EGO C TWIST battery and pick up a Aspire CF VV, since they look a bit shorter, but a lil fatter... feels weird that my batt is not the same width as my tank
  13. So right now I have a Mini Nautilus sitting on a 1000mah EGO C Twist... I have been trying to figure out an easy and effective way of having it with me, aside from just in my pocket... I had it in my jeans pocket yesterday while at lunch and it just made me nervous that I might be putting a little pressure on the threads between tank and battery, so I just set it out on the table... I also work during the day and have it with me so I don't think having it swing from a lanyard will work in a professional environment... Any ideas? I have seen the small cases for PVs that holds a tank or two with a batt or two and some juice... But I think that would be too big for a pocket... something smaller I think
  14. I can design and skin out your mods for you if you want Wood, Carbon Fiber, Smoke, Fire, Lightning, ETC, basically whatever I can design in photoshop... I have Carbon Fiber vinyl right now and its 3d vinyl, so you can feel the texture, awesome stuff
  15. The quality is that much better?
  16. If you get this soon, i'll be in the chat room on the site
  17. Yes Sir, I should be there on Saturday from 4-8ish I would think PM ME and ill get u my cell number, we can meet up there
  18. Man I am loving my mini nautilus, but I would want a couple backups... What do you guys think? maybe the $10 aspire tanks?
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWrm4tkB5iQ This video does a great job, the guy breaks down every component and even cuts open a head so you can see whats going on in there.
  20. Paul, Basically instead of the coil laying horizontally with a wick running through it, this one is built with the coil vertically in the center of ceramic based wicking material The wicking material goes all the way around, and I'm guessing the reason its soooo good, is that the coil is heating up a lot more material than a standard wick
  21. For those with the non-mini version: The new Bottom Vertical Coil heads are interchangeable with the non-mini Nautilus From what I have been reading it gives insane good flavor and hits, due to the construction of the head being about the same as an old carto... Just got the mini nautilus myself and Im in love
  22. What are good sites to watch for great deals on e liquids?
  23. Thanks for all the feedback I Went back to the shop and exchanged my EMOW and EGO C UPGRADE... What I got in return, I still haven't stopped smiling (on the inside) about... • Aspire Nautilus Mini • Joyetech Ego C Twist 1000mAh Every drag has blown my mind with the amount of flavor that hits the tongue, its unreal.... So now I have VV and Variable Airflow and its sexy as hell... (Got all Stainless)
  24. Ya MTD, that's what I plan on doing... I'll take a good long look at those spinner 2s... seems to be between that and an ego c twist I'll let u know the outcome, after I get off and have a chance to hit up shop
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