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JayH503 last won the day on September 12 2011

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About JayH503

  • Birthday 06/15/1963

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    Missouri (Joplin Area)
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    Electronics, Dean Martin, Friends, Family

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  1. Ya, I'd love the custom gift box! LOL I found out about the Knockout Vapor place on Face Book. Figured I'd post about it on my favorite vape site! I'm sure that ECF has some raving posts about these guys too, but I hardly ever log on there. Just can't get into that site for some reason. I bet I only have maybe 8 or 9 posts on that site. People are more friendly here!
  2. Double Kit with "Glass" Tank Cartomizer Here's the best part! ONLY $265.00 LOL http://www.smokeless...2&products_id=5 Personally, I'm glad that all suppliers don't charge prices like these!
  3. I've only purchased the one single KGO battery so far. I musta got a good one. About to buy a double kit or a couple of singles. Not looking forward to getting defective ones. I am a little surprised to hear the QC is down on these. I use my KGO all the times except for when its on the charger. Then I use my eGo 650 mAh plugged into my USB port. Are you getting your KGO's from Hoosier? That's where I purchased my chrome single battery. Planning to get additional ones from them too. Hope they are all good quality. Not so sure now.
  4. I have several eGo chargers, 4 to be exact, and they all work with my KGO battery. The only eGo type chargers that have a problem with KGO batteries, are the Joye "Brand" chargers. (Actually made by Joye) I wasn't sure what the info meant on the Hoosier site so I talked with the owner. What I have found holds true with what he says. If you have a charger manufactured by Joye, you'll need a different eGo type charger to charge your KGO.
  5. As far as I know, Radio Shack doesn't even sell 17670 batteries. I looked on there site, couldn't find any. Not a good place to buy batteries anyway. The article says the man bought the "proper" batteries at Radio Shack. Sounds like BS to me. Wonder what kind of battery the idiots at Radio Shack sold the man? I would think Radio Shack would be to blame. How could Puresmoker be to blame?
  6. Joye Tech "Brand" eGo chargers won't work with KGO batteries. Hoosierecig states this with the KGO batteries. I've been using all my eGo type chargers with my KGO batteries without any problems. KGO's have a problem with eGo chargers made by Joye Tech for some reason. Why I don't know.
  7. I don't believe the FDA has a very good track record. Especially here lately. They have approved many items, then suddenly those same FDA approved items are proved dangerous or unsafe, then the FDA back tracks, then media ads are released, recalls are started, lawsuits are filed and people end up dead or seriously injured. (By using FDA APPROVED items) Yes, I agree, the FDA = Idiots! Prejudging close-minded self-serving egotistical morons!
  8. Do you like the KGO's, or have you not purchased one yet? I have one of the newer chrome threaded, 1100mAh KGO's with the 5 click on/off. I got it from Hoosier as a single. I also got a couple bigbore cones since I use the larger diameter clear dual coil cartomizers. I've been using the KGO all the time, except for when it's charging of course. Then I use one of my eGo 650mAh. The KGO's are really good batteries. I also like the soft blue LED button. They do put out a higher voltage, as Hoosier claims. If you're thinking about getting one, they are available as singles.
  9. Good luck with the hip replacement sasetrase! I feel your pain, I need both hips and both knees replaced. I'd go crazy without my Ecig while in the hospital. Let us know how you are! Get well soon!
  10. I got my KGO 1100mAh from hoosierecigsupply.com also. Since I got it, I only use my eGo 650's when my KGO is charging. IMO these work great with the Smoke Tech 1.5 Ohm dual coil clear cartomizers. I just recently bought a couple 1.25 Ohm's and they pop and crackle even better. Plenty of power with these KGO batteries! Glad you're having good luck with these too!
  11. We have a "Smoke anywhere" dump at the mall and it's a total rip off! A 10ml bottle of 24mg any flavor is $21.00 with tax. I wouldn't buy any of the kits. They only have "high priced" cartridge type junk. In most cases its best to buy online. Unless you have a local vaping lounge close. I'd drive all the way to Tulsa to Vaporkings before I'd bother with the place here in Joplin. I just hate the LONG wait in the Midwest with the SLOW postal service. Most of the time the shipment is sitting in Kansas City for days.
  12. Hello! Welcome to the forum rad!
  13. tastyvapor.us is my favorite place for juice.
  14. I agree maverick, Since I purchased the SmokTech XL Clear Dual Coils and the Clear eGo Mega Dual Coil cartomizers, my black and stainless have been sitting in the boxes pretty much. They taste and hit cleaner for some reason. Last longer too. I got out a couple black and stainless and for some reason, they taste funny now. If you haven't already done so, check out these "bigbore" cones. They allow you to use cones with the XL Clears on eGo type batteries. http://hoosierecigsupply.com/KGO-Cones-Bigbore-HEC019.htm
  15. Madvapes also has the eGo Mega Dual Coil Cartomizers with a clear tube. Easy to see how much juice is in the filler material. I'm vaping one now with my 650mAh eGo battery/USB charging cable. They also work great on my 1100mAh KGO batteries. Once these are filled, they last a long time until a top off is needed. http://www.madvapes.com/Clear-eGo-Mega-Dual-Coil-Cartomizer_p_3305.html
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