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Vaporsmith got a reaction from VaporTron in Battery failure?
Have you tried any other batteries? Sometimes after a while I have heard of metal shavings getting into certain areas in the mod, causing it to conduct heat or short out, it usually happens within the button mechanism. Try taking it apart and cleaning the button assembly. I could be totally wrong, but it's worth a shot.
A KTS I had for a bit had the same issue you are describing. I sold it to a guy who cleaned it really good and he said it works fine now, but who knows.
Vaporsmith got a reaction from DJ Colonel Corn in e-lvt questions
From what I understand, setting both wattage and voltage doesn't matter because you can only use one mode or the other. Wattage setting is for switching tanks, say I have a 1.5ohm coil and I like the hit at 10watts, well if I switch to a 2.1ohm coil and leave it at 10watts it should hit the same as my 1.5ohm coil. Voltage however is going to give the same current no matter what my resistance, so a 1.5 ohm coil at 6v might taste burnt where as a 2.1ohm coil might hit fine.
Basically, voltage will put out that set voltage through any coil, wattage makes your hits consistent when switching different ohm coils without having to adjust.
Vaporsmith got a reaction from christov11 in *Share Your Coil Builds*
I use Panasonics and Sony VTCs. I know I know...charts...graphs...etc.
My friends run 0.08 and sometimes lower, so I feel pretty safe. Plus a 2 second hit just about fills my lungs up so I'm not running it tooooo much per hit.
Vaporsmith got a reaction from christov11 in *Share Your Coil Builds*
18gauge, 7 wrap coming in at 0.2 ohms in my TOBH Atty. Flavor monster, decent clouds.
Vaporsmith reacted to Earthling789 in ADVICE ON RELIABLE VAPOR PRODUCTS
Be careful of cheap knock-offs... The shop closest to me may only be a couple miles away, but they sell 99% "cheap" clones and knock-offs at "genuine" prices. Sadly, most of the people that have been shopping there are oblivious to the fact they are buying junk, and they get discouraged with vaping... ultimately giving up on it, or bad-mouthing the technology, which discourages others from trying it as an alternative to smoking. Shops like this do more harm than good!
Buy from a reputable vendor, either online of B&M. Avoid eBay, unless you are VERY sure of what you are buying and trust the seller. Check the equipment for Trademarks, Logos, etc. to ensure you're buying the real thing! Some copies are really good copies, and they work exactly the same, but some are not worth your time.
I also recommend the Vision Spinner, but the Kanger EVOD and EVOD Twist are also excellent. JoyeTech also makes a good VV battery, as well as excellent static-voltage batteries. My first batteries were JoyeTech knock-offs, and they worked... but after 4-months, they no longer held a charge... by comparison, my genuine batteries are still like-new after 5-months!
Tanks... also a matter of choice. Most people here gravitate towards Aspire (Nautilus) or Kanger (protanks, EVOD, AeroTanks) as their go-to's. I prefer the Kanger ProTank2 with added air-flow base, as well as their AeroTank. They work well, are simple to operate, clean, and the replacement coils are <1/3 the price of Aspire's coils (even cheaper if you buy in bulk)... and last just as long.
The V|T store sells only genuine products, and there is a list of "approved" vendors such as Sweet-Vapes in the vendor section of the forum. You should be safe in buying genuine articles from these vendors. Again, there is nothing wrong with "some" clones or knock-offs, but IMO, saving a few bucks isn't worth it, especially when you're just starting out!
Vaporsmith reacted to fishguy1123 in Quick SVD question
^^^^This, sometimes just cause you can doesn't meen you should. Best to try to stay in line with what the device is speced for IMO.
Vaporsmith got a reaction from Love2VapeDaily in Cotton is the BOMB! Got my "snap, crackle, and Pop" back.
I don't, never boiled my cotton either. If you don't dry wick properly it will grow mold that's worse than what's already on it lol. It's personal preference.
Vaporsmith got a reaction from Bebop in Strange behavior from Lambo 4.0 Mod
Either higher resistance or lower your voltage. I use 2600mah batteries, in my variable voltage mods they last me all day and sometimes into the next day. I'm also a chain vaper, so if you don't vape often I've heard of them lasting nearly 3days.
Vaporsmith got a reaction from Bebop in Strange behavior from Lambo 4.0 Mod
I'd say the 1600mah rating is the issue as far as how long it lasts. 1600mah is pretty low, but hit quality should be the same since its a regulated device. Hmmmm.
Vaporsmith reacted to RobRaven in Quick SVD question
Ok then i order 2 Efest IMR18650 High Drain Flat top (3100mAh, 20A) then with a sideorder of Nautilus and nautilus mini
Vaporsmith reacted to Love2VapeDaily in Sub Ohming has gotten ridiculous.
I'm a full time sub ohm guy. Tanks are just over priced paper weights to me. Unreliable leaky pain in the *** with wet 510 connections is what I think of tanks. I run between .15-.25ohm builds as my daily driver. Speaking of safety a customer of mine at the truckstop bought a 26650 Stingray the other day and had issues with it. I fixed his issues (crappy coils and horrible wicking). When he grabs it today we are talking safety and I'm going to stress that the shop should have taught him more. Anyways I'm educating him today. Its because of some b&m stores that we get bad rep. Honestly this guy would be better with a twist and protank its so much simpler for blogs.noobs
Vaporsmith got a reaction from Love2VapeDaily in Sub Ohming has gotten ridiculous.
I think people need to just be responsible and not let that kind of stuff happen. If I'm playing guitar, mixing, playing games, whatever. I ALWAYS lock my mod, sit it on a flat surface, then resume whatever I was doing. We will end up getting these things banned because of people's irresponsibility.
Vaporsmith reacted to Love2VapeDaily in Igo W
Think about airflow buddy. Air moving across the coils is a good thing. And trim your leads down opposite of each coil. Here is my setup.
So less cotton and make sure the coil is not surrounded by cotton. Notice in the pic I have no cotton under my coils.
I also prefer my coils real close to the posts.
Vaporsmith got a reaction from Love2VapeDaily in Now I am chasing clouds! Loving it, but still have questions.
I know. To answer the questions, trustfire chargers are not that good, and your battery should last you a long time. I run a 0.2ohm build and use those exact batteries when I'm not at home, they last about 2-3 hours of chain vaping. You will know it needs a charge when your hit gets weaker. I hope this info helps. -
Vaporsmith reacted to Richstag in Now I am chasing clouds! Loving it, but still have questions.
Shops shouldn't just build a mech for people and send them on their way with this many questions.
Vaporsmith got a reaction from RBAsAndVariables in Looking for help on buying my first mec-mod
I couldn't agree more.
Vaporsmith reacted to RBAsAndVariables in Looking for help on buying my first mec-mod
Mech mods for starters?
I'd look into "M-16 Sentinel" it's a telescopic mech mod. You can adjust it to fit any size battery, and it hits very hard!
Edit: it also has a lock ring so it won't accidentally fire on its own when you set it down! Omg I miss my first days using a mechanical! Lol
Vaporsmith reacted to VapeHappy in Cotton is the BOMB! Got my "snap, crackle, and Pop" back.
Sally`s is kinda regional, its a beauty supply store/chain.
Going to get some rayon, it makes sense with its high tempreture capacity. Looking at big auction site, hey, its easy, what can I say.
Last night I wound a twisted 33 gauge (what an oddball size, was includ. in a KFM, :?) on a 5/32 and man does it cook. I`m running my problematic Highbrow up to 4 volts and not having any problems at all. So I think Rayon IS the next step.
Vaporsmith reacted to christov11 in Cotton is the BOMB! Got my "snap, crackle, and Pop" back.
Then there goes 5$ of silica off my order! I'm gon' find me some rayon!!!
Vaporsmith got a reaction from christov11 in Cotton is the BOMB! Got my "snap, crackle, and Pop" back.
My girlfriend works at Sallys by the house, you may find it online though I'm not sure
Vaporsmith reacted to Shade_the_silent in Looking for help on buying my first mec-mod
I was looking at grabbing this bad boy http://lnhvapes.com/index.php?id_product=149&controller=product with http://www.vapordna.com/Vulcan-RDA-Rebuildable-Atomizer-p/vn0001.htm.
Vaporsmith got a reaction from Mtdobies in Looking for help on buying my first mec-mod
Overdose is a great mod! I love it.