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redneck vaper

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Everything posted by redneck vaper

  1. I'm running it at 25 watts. I've noticed after I take a hit, I have a good bubble coming from one side and barely anything on the other. When i was using the coil that came in it, I would get a good bubble out of each side every hit. I've noticed if i give it a primer puff in between hits its better, but knowing how it should perform it's still annoying when you have to do that. I'm going to order new coils and try them, but at almost 5 bucks a pop it gets expensive when they are sub-par.
  2. Update. I've decided to change the coil head after about 2 weeks of hard use, I bought single blister packs of the .5 ohm coils and I am not impressed. I cant get them to wick right. Dry hits all day. Has anybody ran into this? and where are you getting your coil heads? I love this tank but i am about to give up on it. It seems i am the opposite of most people, the coil head i got in the package was the best one. BTW I keep thinning my juice so its not that, I'm down to 50/50 or thinner.
  3. I am loving my subtank. I actually gave up on clearomizers months ago. I didn't like the coil heads, flooding, leaking etc. I got a couple kayfuns and most recently the lemo and I've been loving them. My daugher got me a subtank for Christmas, and i was very reluctant to even take it out of the box, but i figured what the hell. I am very pleasantly surprised! Keep in mind I don't own an atlantis so I have no comparison, but i can say one thing, my subtank sitting on my sig 100w at 25 watts is awesome. I love the 6 mil capacity, no leaking or flooding, and no dry hits. It's been about a week with this .5 ohm occ, so we will see how long the coil lasts, but that week has been a tank of juice a day and it is still going strong. Its that good that I have barely used my infinate CLT 2 since i got it. I like a lot of vaper, I'm not a cloud chaser per se, i just feel more satisfied with more vaper, and this thing chucks it! but like I said I don't have an atlantis so maybe it performs better, but the low juice capacity and the fact that I've heard it's a pita to fill, scared me away from it. I've heard that aspire is coming out with a larger glass for the atlantis to bump up its juice capacity, so that may make it better. All in all I never would have bought this tank because like I said, I was done with clearos, but I am so glad I got it as a gift. It reminds me to be open minded!
  4. If you are looking for cons i have one. I had an IPV 2s for about 2 months, i screwed an atty on it one day and it started to auto fire (with the power off). I don't know it this could be a potential problem with the three, but I for one will never buy another product from pioneer 4 you. I bought a sig 100w plus as a replacement and I am loving it. The magnets for the batt cover are so much easier and the batt life is awesome as well. My current fave setup is the sig with a kanger subtank with the stock .5 ohm replaceable occ running 25 watts with crunch berry juice at 3mg. Simply awesome. I havent tried the atlantis yet but really find no reason to buy one, if this kanger keeps performing the way it does. Hope this helped! Vape on my friend!!
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