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Everything posted by sloeginfizz

  1. I'm assuming these are juices that you have never used before? If you are vaping a 50/50 juice and not getting much/any vapor, then there's a real problem with the juice (it's not what it says it is) and I wouldn't vape it any longer. I am very particular about the vendors I deal with when it comes to juice. I actually only deal with 2 vendors and I have been for the last 5 years. Obviously, there are more than 2 good vendors out there when it comes to juice, but I know the 2 I deal with have quality control in hand and one of them has an in-house chemist. I would spend some time researching those with whom you do business and would particularly stay away from mom & pop stores in general. good luck.
  2. Halo Torque 56. I've been stuck on it for years.
  3. OK, this has been fun. I think i'll move on to another thread.
  4. thanks, Mtd.
  5. Just joined a few moments ago. The gin is on me, but you'll need to bring you own vaping stuff.
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