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Everything posted by Rodeo302

  1. I use koga cotton and t wicks way better, late way longer, and has amazing flavor compared to everything else besides ss mesh for flavor. I won't use anything else now.
  2. Maybe take vapors toolbox idea and make it more like steam engine where it gives you ideas pin what the coil will look like put in a deal to tell you if out will be a warm or cool vape on a regulated mod arts a certain wattage and maybe a Google maps tab for b&m locations that can be added as people find them.
  3. 200 Sony's which ones?
  4. Ya I have them and Sony batteries but sonys are hard to find now besides the xtars vtc4.
  5. What are your guys views on the efest 35 amp batteries specifically the 2500 mah batteries? Thanks fir the responses.
  6. Season fir me starts Saturday I hunt in a small town about 45 minutes north of the cities in Minnesota awesome deer running around there last year I dropped a 180 pound 8 pointer within the first hour of the season and a 150 pound doe the next day at the same time my brother got a 130 pound doe we were sitting maybe a quarter of a mile apart and never heard each other shoot it was so windy.
  7. Picked up a Zeus box with the 120 watt raptor chip in it this thing is a beast I love it.
  8. Check out the eleaf istick it's similar to the mvp but goes up to 20 watts and his like is closer to 30 or wait a few months I heard a reliable rumor that there's gonna be an mvp 3 with a dna chip in it not sure which one tho.
  9. I have the 454 abd it's a pita to build on but it's worth it in my opinion.
  10. The owner of reo I've heard will modify your drippers to accommodate the bottom feed you will need to make it work idk if he is a member here our not though.
  11. I have that keeppower battery the specs that were shown are correct they have a 4200 and a 5200 mah battery life and they last forever.
  12. Well they are right quitting is easy if you find what works for you and obviously e cigs do so I dont see what their problem it's with them besides the money.
  13. Not sure who made it since I tried it at a b&m but it was called poker blend kinda like a cheap pipe tobacco.
  14. I got the ss mutant and love it I got a clone tho but it's still awesome pit a black tobh or the big fogger on it and it's friggen massive I can't lose it lol.
  15. No I was just curious and after I posted I saw how many posts I had I miscounted them.
  16. I've got a question about posting I've read its 3 and 4 posts before you can post in the general area which one is it for sure?
  17. Check out kangers aerotank mega turbo it has 2 dual coils in it and it's a 6 mil tank so it should last a while if your don't want to get into rebuilding out should make decent clouds from everything I have heard and read it will outperform the nautilus.
  18. Thanks from everything I've been reading here I think I'm gonna get along well with everyone.
  19. One thing about the wick organic cotton is a preference some people have I prefer Japanese cotton like ko gen do or koga some people prefer rayon or cellucotton the wicking is mostly personal preference find what you like the best and stick with it good luck.
  20. Hi everyone I've been vaping for almost 3 years now started with an ego battery and 510 drippers until I found out about mods and never looked back I've gone to rebuildables abd my current setup is a mutant 26650 with a fogger on top been letting around reading fir a while so I figured I'd join and ssd my knowledge to the mix.
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