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Everything posted by xCOXINATORx

  1. Should be able to no problem... Since it's parallel,you won't get everything the tank can do though. Not sure of the wattage but i think itd be around 60ish... the tfv4 coils don't really come alive until about 80 watts.
  2. Hi everyone. I recently got a Sigelei 150w TC. I was wondering what settings you guys and gals use when in TC mode... temp, and joules that you have set... thanks.
  3. What juice are you vaping, and what device are you using? Hana Mod w/ Sugar Bear by Cuttwood... tastes like cinnamon toast crunch! Oh how I love cereal flavors!
  4. Good idea... thanks.
  5. Boo... I don't want to buy a new one..
  6. The center pin on my kayfun clone that is on the center of the bottom of the attomizer fell out today when I unscrewed it in the car and I can't find it... I don't think I can find a replacement... fml... what do I do?
  7. Diamond Coil on the Kayfun... I don't think it will work that well, but it looks good... haha
  8. Yeah. I wasnt even going to respond to Suzicube... but mvince, that's exactly what I meant... my girl still smokes so it's here if I want it... and @Patricia, I do not even have money to pay for shipping... nor do I know how to send things..
  9. Hey guys... I posted on another section but figured I'd try here as well. I have been completely cig free for 2 days! I lost my job last week, have to support my 20 month old daughter, and pay bills... I have only a few mls of juice left and have NO MONEY AT ALL to buy more. I do not want to go back to the stinkies... if anyone could please send me any juice they have and don't use or want id appreciate it. I vape 18-12mg anything but tobacco flavors... Please and Thank You everyone.
  10. Now you see me now you don't... same cloud.
  11. Hana Modz V3 w/ Kayfun V3.1 on top 0.9 ohms at 20W
  12. Nvm...I had it in the well... now I got it in the right spot... I'm very satisfied now! Loving this new setup
  13. Alright so I have my Kayfun up and running how it should, but for some reason, the cotton I used doesn't want to wick enough juice... it's not like a dry hit... I just feel like it should taste better and like I should be producing more vapor... what do those of you that have kayfuns use as wicking?
  14. I'm liking it... now I just need some more juice... haha.
  15. They're here! Lol. Was like Christmas.. took 2 tries to get the Kayfun working right... but we're vaping now, baby.. [emoji12]
  16. Yeah.. once I saw that the hana was here I figured f it, now I have a good back up
  17. The Hana is at the post office waiting for me to pick it up... will post pictures when I pick it up. ... only bad part is that I bought a mvp 2 today before I knew I could pick it up in the morning... I lost my other vape, and lost my charger to my twist and didn't want to keep smoking, so I bought it, then right after that found out my vape mail came...
  18. Yeah, if only j could get a charger... I know the vape shop near me has them, I'm just super broke right now... need to find a new job..
  19. So I lost my mvp v3 the other day. I have an e-go twist vv but I lost the charger for it. I have a Hana clone that will be arriving in a few days or I would but another changer or battery... all the above has left me vapeless... I was still smoking a few cigarettes a day, but now since it's all I have had to get my nicotine, I'm back to smoking more... just makes me mad that just when I was down to like 3 cigs a day, by the time my Hana I'll be used to it... I hope it gets here soon...the whole situation makes me mad, .. the clone was already in the United States, left the San Francisco usps place at 11:30 pm Saturday... I hope it gets here soon, I wanna vape... not a stinky
  20. My Hana clone should be here in the next couple days... I checked and tracking said it was shipped out of California at 11:27 August 2nd... wonder how long it will take to make it to Pittsburgh
  21. Haha... I dropped it last night and it came back on... works for me.
  22. Yeah. Theres one on my phone called vapers toolbox
  23. Vw Yeah Im gonna try to shoot for 1.4 this time.
  24. Also, for being one of my first builds, how do my wraps look?
  25. So I read somewhere that the mvp should only fire to around 1.2 ohms but I built a 1ohm single coil and it fires just fine... but it doesn't produce the vapor I thought it would... Do I need more cotton... where did I go wrong?
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