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Everything posted by loganbram

  1. as others have mentioned you can only leave the wick in to dry burn with certain materials, cotton is NOT one of them and will burn. With how simply it is to rewick its not really to much of a hassle and helps take your coils to a like new state
  2. Congrats to him! I recently got my brother on the vape train as well! though he didnt smoke, he did chew, and got him a little ego battery and evod tank and hes already asking "where do I go from here" a month later.
  3. it depends on the liquid im using. there are flavors that are stronger and more dominant that linger (stuff with cinnamon or peppermint in my case) that if im using and wanting to switch to something like milk and honey ill rewick. but if im vaping gambit and decide i want to go to custard, ill just overlap. it depends on the profile of the flavors and their compatibility i suppose.
  4. right there with you, tried and and as soon as it was gone went right back to my CVS brand organic cotton balls.
  5. welcome!
  6. Welcome! youll soon seen that vaping is an addiction as much as smoking was, and youll soon have a savings jar just for upgrades! ;P
  7. Welcome! new here as well and looking to learn what i can!
  8. Im not sure to be honest, but for the price, I feel you would be just as well off buying another one. I mean for $40, you could have the other for backup parts to the new one? Sorry couldnt be of more use!
  9. so you are NOT using e liquid, just ordering cartos prefilled correct? if so, i would suggest an upgrade. with the countless companies making countless flavors there are soo many more options waiting! If i misread and this isnt the case and you are just looking for a new liquid, then correct me!
  10. Definitely new to this whole online community. Have been vaping for about 2 years, got into mods a couple months ago and what was once a hobby has now become an obsession. Ha. glad to have come across this forum on reddit and seeing what the community has to offer!
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