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  1. This is a little review video I did on my first mod. Let me know what you think!
  2. Im a type one diabetic and also new to vaping.. Recently I purchased my first mod and have been using diffrent flavored Juices everyday.. For those who dont know, Vegetable glycerin is a natural sweetener that can be ingested many different ways including rubbing on the skin, eating, vaping etc.. My point is that I noticed my blood sugar levels being higher while using my vaporizer.. Therefore for the next thirty days I will monitor my blood sugar numbers daily. One day vaping one day without and hopefully figure out if by vaping I am going to have to use more insulin to keep my levels normal... This could be a great experiment that could help other diabetics using their vaporizer... Any Ideas or comments would be helpfull. I will also be posting updates on the information I learn. Thanks everybody! LJ
  3. Hello everybody, Just went from smoking two packs a day to a Personal Vaporizer Mod and am on week two without tobacco. I love the variety of flavors that vaping offers as well as the absence of disgusting smoke, yellow fingers and teeth. Im obsessed with my new mod and look forward to gaining any information I can about vaporizers and the whole vape community. Thanks for your time LJ
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