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christov11 last won the day on August 26 2014

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  1. well after having the sig for a while I absolutely love it. I dont have an issue with the ohms... as long as it fires i dont really care. especially since I have been building around 0.15 so itll move around but... im usually using 70 watts and the battery life is great. no problems with the 510. Only thing i have to do is change my build to get more ohms and therefore get more volts... might give me a better vape.. not sure, gotta tinker haha one of my magnets popped out this morning but i just glued it.. hopefully it holds haha used some crappy glue... if it pops back out im gonna get super glue
  2. Well christmas was nice! got a charger a stillaire some batteries and a hammer mod from my father! Thing is... i got the sigelei 100w i already have 2 stillaires and a charger.. Soooo I ended up excvhanging things haha went in and grabbed 2 samsung batts 2 MXJO a drip tip (the one for my MX was wobbly and metal, delrin is great for winter) and 3 20ml bottles of juice! woohoo!!!
  3. well I havent had any trouble with mine.... using the MX right now and had the CLTV2 before that and both worked great!
  4. You should! It's really tight though... By memory that was 4 or 5 wraps around 2mm but it was a while ago :S
  5. The variety the VW devices are so perfect for that! I feel you about the tanks! More of a battery life issue for my decision but we've said it a million times: whatever works for us to stay off stinkies! Haha Looking forward to falling back in love with the nauti actually! I gotta clean it and all actually.... Keep forgetting it What about the ipv2? Still too big?
  6. Yeah I'm gonna run this thing to the ground and given the attention I give my phone for example I don't think it'll be anytime soon! Depends how often you need to change them but magnets are amazing! I would be okay with it once a day? Which is probably what I'll be getting out of it personally
  7. She is a thing of beauty! Rediculous production and ease I actually love scrolling up or down to get exactly what watts I want
  8. Just pulled the trigger on a sigelei 100W Just came in from my first time using it. she is a thing of beauty im at 40-45 watts and shes producing rediculous amounts lol i have a super low build on there too something close to its limit like between 0.15-0.2
  9. so i went and got the sigelei finally! cant wait to really try it... stuck at work right now haha cant cloud up the office...
  10. Can't find much about the charging port for the ipv3? Anyone know exactly what the deal is? I heard a 9v charger may fry the chip and some are using 7v chargers but I can't find any reference
  11. 200?!?!?!? Woah yeah I saw some at 130 at the shops here!
  12. My laziness is getting the best of me and I'm trying to cut down on maintenance with the mechs... I want consistency so I've been thinking of switching over for over a month and a half now lol. I think it's time... I'm watching review after review on both and... I'm just getting more confused hahaha is it stupid if the display is making me lean towards sigelei? Lol oh and the magnets....
  13. See I would... But going on vacation is taking up some room on the budget haha I'm actually looking for the cons of anyone has one or the other... The pros are quite obvious lol trying to see what cons are there and which I won't mind as much
  14. P.s. I miss you all!!!
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