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AK Maniak

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Everything posted by AK Maniak

  1. I've been reading up on them and I plan to head that direction before long. Until then I feel that the Provari will suit my needs as I will be mainly using it at work and need something relatively small and portable. I work up on the north coast of alaska in the oil fields so i just wanted something with decent battery life that will easily fit into my pocket, as well as being able to take some abuse because I have no doubt that it will get banged up. What would you suggest as far as a mech mod though, i've done a bit of research and i'm a bit overwhelmed at the moment.
  2. Oops! I somehow missed the VT store haha, so disregard my liquid question:)
  3. Thanks for the replies and suggestions. For now I don't plan on getting/using anything other than the provari but I am definitely interested in experimenting with other tanks. I got two batteries for now so hopefully those last me for a good while. One thing I forgot to ask about in my OP is where is the best place to get quality liquid. I ordered a few sample packs from provapes.com but they didn't have all that many flavors, or at least not a lot of the ones i've been reading about.
  4. Hey everyone! Not really sure what I'm supposed to say in an intro thread so I guess I'll provide some background info and what it was that got me posting here in the first place. After weeks of watching some of my co-workers use various vaporizers and even trying them here and there I finally broke down and bought one. I was a bit hesitant about putting forth the cash a second time after my less than satisfying first experience. That experience being when my wife and I decided to get a starter kit from Green Smoke about two years ago. If you aren't familiar with that product it is similar to the Blu e-cigs in the sense that it was a analogue look alike. At first my wife and I did enjoy them as neither of us had any intention of using them as an aide to quit smoking analogues. It was purely recreational, and for a short while they served their purpose well. But eventually the novelty factor wore off and over time we both began using them less and less until we stopped all together. So now two years later after very little exposure to any e-cigs aside from seeing the occasional commercial on TV, I had almost forgot they existed. A guys I work with started bringing some up to work and being that I literally live with them for weeks at a time I couldn't help but try some of theirs for myself to see what all the rage was about. I tried a Vision Spinner 2 with an Aspire Nautilus tank, an iTaste VV with what I believe was some sort of Kanger (spelling?) tank, and some sort of Vaporite product. I truly enjoyed them and in my opinion was very much like Hookah, as well as the obvious fact that they were all 10 times better than my old Green smoke e-cig. I was actually quite surprised at how much I enjoyed them as I had a negative bias going into it as my only other experience with them had left a slightly bitter taste in my mouth. So after thinking about it for a weeks I decided to go for it. I was completely ignorant to the entire vaping culture if you will, so I began researching online as well as gathering experience from people I know. I didn't want to buy something that would only leaving me wanting more, yet I wasn't ready to start creating my own liquid or rebuild something like a Zen atty. I ended up going with the Provari v2.5 and the Aspire Nautilus as I heard and read nothing but good reviews on them. While quite a bit more expensive than some of the other vape pens I had read about it was still much cheaper than my current smoking habit which consists of about 1 carton a week at $85 dollars a carton. I placed my order earlier today and am anxiously awaiting to get off work so I can fly home and break in my new and what I would consider my first true vaporizer. TL;DR Wanted to start vaping, bought a Provari so I wouldn't have to upgrade in the near future, can't wait to fly south away from this cold *** oil field so i can finally enjoy my vaporizer.
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