Hey all!
Been lurking for a week or so, but decided to finally create an account. I hope Canadians are welcome here
So, I'm a newly converted vaper, I was a smoker for 13 years, I quit smoking using Champix twice, but always went back. Last year was my second time quitting, but this time I didn't pick up cigarettes, I picked up smoking cigars because I thought they would be better (the Captain Black/Colt ones). I didn't touch cigarettes for about 8 months, but then I started realizing I was smoking more and more cigars (about 4-5 a day). They started catching up to me real quick, I knew it was too much, I could feel it. I felt worse than smoking a 1/2 pack a day for all that time.
Here in Canada, vaping is relatively new and most people still don't even know what it is, but a few co workers had started and I figured why not give it a try. I started out 1 month ago with a Vision Spinner (650mAh) and a Kanger T3S. After 2 weeks, I quickly learned the T3S is just horrid!! It leaked all the time, got dry hits and burnt ones, I replaced the coil 3 times and decided to get a new tank. This time I went with the Kanger Mini Protank 3, and it's awesome!!!
So I now hooked, I love it, my girlfriend loves that I don't stink anymore, and I feel 100 times healthier! I now own 3 Mini Protank 3's, and 2 Vision Spinners (1 650mAh and 1 1300mAh). The e-juice around here was less than desirable, until I discovered Mt Baker Vapor's Hawk Sauce a few days ago, compIetely blew my mind! No more cheap unknown e-juices for this guy. I hope to learn more in this community as I'm really enjoying vaping. I'll keep my questions for another day and another thread