Hi, all,
Actually, R. J. Reynolds used to put the numbers right on the pack: 1 mg tar, 0.1 mg nicotine. They don't anymore, but the last time the FTC checked them in 2005, that's what they released. That's the big reason I worked my way down to them the first time I ever tried to quit, and I made sure I stayed there everytime I started smoking again. In terms of nausea, yup, it's there, too, along with a very rapid heart rate. But the headache is so bad, it makes the nausea seem bearable in comparison.
You guys may be right that vaping itself can cause a headache. It might be part of the reason it comes on so strong and so quickly. I haven't really noticed any dry mouth, but I can only take about 4 puffs in a row later in the day before the headache, nausea, and rapid pulse start up again. After that, it's at least an hour before everything starts to settle down. On the bright side, no cravings for that hour or so. I think the only reason I can chain smoke the way I do in the morning is that I'm loading up my blood nicotine levels. As I said, though, much better this morning at 3 mg. I didn't get out today to pick up gloves and another bottle. I'll try to get that done tomorrow.