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Everything posted by Aminah305

  1. Thanks. Is there a way to know which ones will last longer? We had a 30ml bottle of a flavor called carousel that lasted a month! Id keep buying it but the flavor is good, but i like to change it up and the other flavors they had in the shop from that brand i didn't like. I love this blueberry one from blackcloud but it goes like I'm drinking it
  2. I still don't have access to post in the ejuice forum, so I'm asking here. It's probably a newbie type of question anyways. Is it just my imagination, or do some juices run out quicker Than others? It seems some last forever, and others I'm having to refill 2 or 3 times a day. But im vaping the same frequency
  3. Hi! I hope i get to where i don't want analogs. I haven't smoked "regularly" since I started vaping like 5 months ago, but i'd bum smokes from co workers about once a week lol. Every time I'd think "this tastes awful now!" Lol but keep puffing away anyways. I love my "vapey" (lol that's what i call it) though and I don't cough anymore! I've not had an analog in about a month, mostly cuz i was off work though
  4. I am considering switching to the protank mini, but I'm such a cheapo lol cuz its 2 coils instead of one plus more juice getting used :p eventually i wanna try one but for now i think I'm good. My poor hubby already gets worried whenever we go get juice cuz i want them ALL lol.
  5. Hey everyone. Just saying hi. I'm pretty new to vaping. Its been like 5months now, but i don't really know anything beyond what i have in my hand. Ego battery and a kanger evod tank. I'm happy with it for now, mainly because it looks less intimidating than some of the things i see more experienced ppl with. I've considered changing tanks but i like that mine is so cheap to keep me vaping lol
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