I am thinking trying this, I want to quit smoking, do you guys use this as a way to get yourselves off cigs? I like smoking, seems like this can be a way. My biggest wonder is, I live in the philippines, small island, i smoke like 2 packs a day, the cigs there only cost about 70 cents a pack so its hard to quit. i wonder if I can get it how long does a kit last? are these things durable? how often does something go wrong? how long can you use this until u need to charge again? how often do you have to put drops inside? do you really only have the change the filter once a month? how do you know when you need to change the filter.
lot of questions huh? sorry, this is a big expense for me and I don't know if it will be practical for where I live, I don't know if they will ship things to me or how long it will take. Can you use pay pal to pay? if I buy this I will be using it a lot to get the physical habit curbed, does the non nicotine really have no nicotine? can you make your own drops? Thanks if anyone replies