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Everything posted by jllbms

  1. I'm now a daily vaper and *infrequent* cigar smoker. I don't want to quit, but I seem to have lost the taste for them...
  2. The stock tank is pretty good! Neckbeard RY4 ADV.
  3. Happy early BD to me. I got what I wanted!
  4. Yes, but only the Reserve is barrel aged.
  5. Just received a bottle of Five Pawns Castle Long Reserve, whiskey barrel aged. Fantastic! Out of stock now at Giant Vapes.
  6. A bottle of Five Pawns Castle Long Reserve. I could be happy vaping this to the exclusion of all else!
  7. Thanks y'all!
  8. Wow, after several weeks, I'm having a lot of difficulty going back to the stogies. The vapes are just so enjoyable. One cigar in over a week. This is bad.
  9. Anybody else using this tank? To fill it you take it apart and the internals split into two pieces. I can only fill it to 1 ml, since more would overflow the bottom half of the internal part. Sorry for the imprecise description. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
  10. Don't see a need to quit cigars, but didn't smoke one today. Probably hepped up on nicotine from vaping though!
  11. Grazie mille, Mtdobies. I'm learning a lot on VT.
  12. Not really sure what's worse, puffed cigars or inhaled vapes, though.
  13. I guess I'm the odd duck here. I'm not a cig smoker, and I started vaping for fun. It's caused me to reduce my cigar consumption, but that was just an unintended consequence. Not trying to stop anything, just enjoying vaping. Let the flames ensue...
  14. Yes, a MVP forum would be great.
  15. Thank you!
  16. Thanks, that's helpful. But how do you decide what setting you want to use? Different juices work better on higher power etc.?
  17. *someone
  18. Ok, so I have a VV VW mod. Can some om advise on how to use the settings? I can't notice an appreciable difference. Thanks, John
  19. Nice blog! More content!
  20. Please look at my thread below, Cigar Smoker, for some great recommendations that I received, and a photo of what I ended up with.
  21. Itazte MVP 2, Aspire BDC, stainless tip.
  22. Thanks, everyone. I ended up with an innokin itaste MVP 2 and an Aspire BDC tank. Still working on the right juice.
  23. Thank you!
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