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    VapeBerry reacted to Compenstine in Metal particles   
    If your concerned that it is metal, put a magnet to it and see if the magnet picks up the particles. If it does, then you know. If it don't, then it is as Bebop said, it is just bits of char. Bebop is correct though in this case in that It is a 99.9% chance of just being char.
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    VapeBerry got a reaction from Rixter in HELP WITH BUILD   
    Hahaha I know, I first tried it when I called my vape shop and asked for wick and they said they had cotton bacon. I was so confused lol.

    Rixter and Tam, yeah you're right. Looks like my fluke multi is going back to school with me. I just tested a build in my new RDA, it's a tricoil with 7 wraps of 24 gauge. It's reading at 1.1 ohm ! I really thought it'd be a lot lower, somewhere in the mid sub ohm, to tell you the truth........just goes to show you don't really know till ya know!
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    VapeBerry got a reaction from Pbinutah in HELP WITH BUILD   
    The Manhattan looks like a cool mod, but really all mechanical mods like the Manhattan do the same thing, just alterations of a basic principle (battery with a direct on/off button/switch). You really don't need (and I wouldn't recommend) dropping serious cash on a $200 mod if it's your first venture into rebuilding. Luckily, there's a lot of clones of popular mods that are nearly identical and very well-machined, and much more inexpensive. Here's my first rig, it's a Tobh Atty clone with a Panzer "Black Hawk" edition mod clone. It cost about $80 for the mod and like $25 for the atty. I still have it, it still works great, and I still use it even though I've gotten into some of the authentic gear.

    That being said, I'd say get a mech mod clone and an RDA clone. Once you have these, you'll need a solid battery to power it. Here is a list of safe batteries you should use. http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/blogs/baditude/4848-9-battery-basics-mods-imr-protected-icr.html

    Once you have all that, you'll obviously need to rebuild. It's tricky at first, but you'll get the hang of it pretty fast. Because you'll probably be wrapping and re-wrapping a lot of coils when you start, I'd recommend you go to Amazon and buy a big spool of Kanthal. I just checked and 100 feet is $4-7, depending on gauge. If you buy your wire from a vape shop, $4-7 will only buy you a very small spool in comparison. http://www.amazon.com/s?ie=UTF8&page=1&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Akanthal%20wire

    Watch some YouTube videos to learn how to physically wrap the coils. RiP Tripper's has been a hot topic lately, but he has a lot of great videos on rebuilding and I learned a lot watching his videos. Don't bother with the advanced builds if your new, just get down a basic dual coil set up and then move up. Here's a link to RiP's coil building tutorials. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKD8bdRWqx77f-ie7-TyYDzFo_Eh3I2zY

    With your coils built, you'll need wick. There's a ton of opinions on what to use, none necessarily right or wrong. If you don't want to boil cotton, just get some ready-to-use wick. I use cotton bacon, it's very cheap. http://www.electronicstix.com/products/cotton-bacon-10-pieces

    I'd also recommend you either get a multimeter or coil tester, to verify the resistance of your coils. I really don't hardly ever test my coils anymore because I just don't build that low, nor do I find scorching hot builds really that enjoyable. When you're new and not sure, however, it's best to be safe. If you don't already know Ohm's law, learn it inside/out/front/back whatever. This isn't something you want to mess up on. http://ecigarettereviewed.com/ohms-law-explained-for-vaping

    Fortunately, however, if you use good batteries (which you absolutely should), they will likely let you know ahead of time before they blow. If your mod starts getting warm, take the battery out and feel it. If your battery is getting hot, that's the first indicator you either have a short, or are running it with a coil that is too low.

    Here is a link describing some basic vaping terminology http://guidetovaping.com/2012/06/13/a-z-e-cig-glossary/ If you have any questions about further terms (RDA, RTA, RDTA, APV, whatever), google is your friend.
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    VapeBerry reacted to jasonculp in 26650 RDA's, who's got em and who likes em?   
    I have never heard of niccups, but I have had them many times! Now I know what to call it!

    The problem comes when one battery gets weaker than the other. This can cause much more heat, especially when one battery is trying to "charge" the other. It can also cause some inconsistency due to the added connections and possible voltage drop. Most people who use them this way say to rotate them.

    I do not do this in any mods except for my ipv3. All of my mechanicals are single 18650/18500/18350.

    I do have a lot of experience with batteries hooked up this way and it can cause all kinds of weird problems. Some of the airplanes we had used series to parallel connection. It had 4 12volt batteries to end up with 24 volts. When one goes bad it caused all kinds of issues. I also had a few tractors that used 2 6volt batteries to make 12volts.

    I don't want to discourage you about using stacked batteries, just be careful. If a battery starts acting weird, chunk it, or use it single and get a new pair. Batteries are cheap compared to a $270 mod or a visit to the ER if something goes bad...
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    VapeBerry got a reaction from GnarlyBooger in Vaping just for the flavor   
    It's PG and VG and flavor. PG breaks down into lactic acid and VG into sugar. So, it can cause some issues like a build up of said lactic acid and give you unusual muscle cramps (if you do this a lot or are especially sensitive). The VG may have consequences, much like consuming loads of sugar does regardless. Drinking an extra couple of glasses of water daily will certainly help (it'll help even if you don't vape, most people just don't hydrate enough) and if you notice yourself developing changes, stop and see if they clear up. I'm not really sure what long term consequences it can have, but my general belief is they will not develop over night, are not extreme and are probably reversible on the whole if you just stop when you notice things like the cramping. Most people don't even get it, but it's been reported.

    I'm no scientist, this is just imo.
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