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    North Carolina

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  1. Idk what you did, but the problem is solved
  2. First of all I would like to say that I honestly have no idea what is going on. I've been using RDAs for close to a year, and thought that I had it all figured out when two days ago my favorite build went south. I have a few igo-ws that I rotate through depending on my mood and such, but my favorite (dual parallel tiger coils) all of a sudden stopped producing. When I hit the button and it sounds like a bowl of rice crispies and tastes like a mouth full of juice, but there is no vapor. Has anyone encountered this problem before? Or, are there any suggestions for how to fix it short of stripping it out and rebuilding.
  3. I've posted 4 times now and still cant start a thread in the cloudchasing forum....... is there a different limit for that forum or am i doing something wrong
  4. Congrats, and good luck. Its tough to make the shift completely, but once you do, you'll never look back.
  5. Congrats!
  6. I just have to say i hate the word analog, no offense. It implys that pv's are digital......? Wouldn't combustion, combustible, burners, stinkys, or tobacco be a better word for traditional cigs.
  7. My advice is to take your time and enjoy what you have for now. DO NOT RUSH OUT AND BUY A MECH MOD AND AN RBA! There are alot of people jumping right into things these days and it is a little worrysome. I've been vaping for about 4 years now, and I still remember my first ego style pv. I thought the world of it, but ever since switching to rba's I honestly cant even enjoy the more basic pv's anymore. I ruined my self, maybe for the better, maybe not. The point is that dont move up unless what you have just isnt doing it for you anymore.
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