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Everything posted by acsand

  1. So I figure the best way to get some feedback on the best model for me is to tell you a little bit about my smoking habits. I will typically smoke between 3/4 pack to a full pack of Marlboro Meds on my days off. When I work, I will only smoke maybe 3 cigs during my 8 hour shift and a few when I get home. I have done 4 day hiking trips as well, and found the cravings surprisingly easy to deal with when out in the wilderness with no option of having a cig. With that being said, when i'm sitting around talking with people I will tend to chain-smoke, and when I can't smoke much, I am fine with 3-4 in 10 hours. I guess what i'm looking for is something that feels relatively similar to a real cigarette but will also deliver decent battery life for to sustain my chain-smoking moments. Thanks in advance
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