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Everything posted by LexVexed
Thanks everyone for your replies. All things of which I will take into account and try. BreakingBad - No, I'm not using a drip tip yet. I was a little unsure about how to use one, but I plan to order one in the next couple of days and return here for advice and more guidance Thanks again all! You are all ten shades of AWEsome here!
I'm still a noob to vaping, but I decided to venture into the world of 'direct dripping'. I think I have found a level of awesome! There is a whole new world that has been opened for me. The flavors are even more amazing (I took some advice from the VaporCast podcast and got some RMV Juicy Peach). I now will have to tell EVERYONE I know about this, lol. Cartridge? I don't need no stinkin' cartridge! That said, I have noticed something since I've left the analogs behind and joined the "Vaping World". I actually vape more than I ever smoked. The one thing about smoking, was the fact that you are often forced NOT to smoke. This could be due to where you are, laws, or other circumstances. The other thing I noticed is that through vaping more, I have started to get headaches that must be akin to the headaches I would get if I smoked loads of analogs in a short period of time. Question? Is this is a normal thing? Should I now learn a way to cut back on how often I vape, (I pretty much keep my PV in my hand ALL the time). Could the strength of the nicotine in the e-juices I have be more than I can handle? I currently vape at a level between 12 and 18 coming from a Marlboro Ultra Lights/Silver Box smoker. Oh great Vaping Gods and Goddesses, I seek your counsel! Thanks in advance. (If this is a redundant and/or daft set of questions, my apologies are sent sincerely for the gross negligence)
Schizophretard, very good idea! A documentary would be a good idea. I would love to see some of the vaping suppliers/vendors get involved as well (with the campaign I mean). Great idea!
Celebrity Spokesperson For E-Cig Industry?
LexVexed replied to Burn's topic in Vaping Legislation & Regulation News
This is the ONLY time in my life I have ever wanted to be like a celebrity. Wait... I DID just type that for the world to see. Uh, what I meant was... ::runs to hide and vape in her closet:: -
Snubber, you have a good point. Maybe we could start with a website that the whole vaping community could get involved in, which would include such videos as I mentioned. All the information compiled in one place in a nice, neat and professional way. My degree is in Criminal Justice, but I can work research magic when it's needed. The website could include both points of view with a sort of "middle of the road" approach? It would be work, but I have a feeling that the vaping community would love to be involved in a central stand to get e-cigs and vaping better understood to the masses. Ideas?
After spending a great deal of time around these and other e-cig forums, an idea came to me. But to preface it, I'll jump to what brought me to this idea... There are several articles and reports floating around the "Interwebs" that are either for or against e-cigs. The American Lung Association (ALA) and various other organizations put out reports/studies that e-cigs are bad for people. These reports/studies are often one-sided or have completely false information in them. Of course, that leads more and more people to believe that bad/false information, which could somehow help this almost witch hunt in getting our beloved e-cigs banned. One thing I have noticed in my almost 3 months of research is that most of these reports/studies have very little input from ACTUAL PEOPLE that use the electronic cigarette. What if we could put together a Youtube campaign/drive that showcases "Vaping Champs" all in one place? The videos could be short, informative pieces with insight into; how vaping works, what it does or doesn't do, how PVs compare to analog cigs, and even how vaping has changed your life? We could also get those in the vaping community to talk about the health changes they have noticed in their life since making the jump (of course this would only be for those that have actually STOPPED smoking and now solely vape or have cut back greatly). I know there is a great deal of Youtube videos out there already with news, reviews and even how-tos, but nothing that I have seen focused solely on fighting against the negative information that currently exists. Also, as I mentioned above, all of this could be in one convenient channel that the community could point to and say, "Hey! Go check out this Youtube channel and see how vaping makes a difference". I would definitely be willing to get my "hands dirty" for a cause that is surely changing my life as I type this! It may sound daft or even been thought of before, but it's an idea I thought I'd throw out there!
Thanks for the responses everyone! So far, it's been slow going but I have fallen in love with my PV. Took some getting used to and playing around with flavors, yet I am now happily vaping. I've even got several friends interested. One has actually placed an order! I really appreciate the advice you all gave. Thanks again! I'm off to order more vaping supplies. I know I'm gonna need it all! Thanks! -Lex
Today has become a new day for me! My 510 came in the post this morning and I was BEYOND excited. I charged it and waited for the hours to pass and that red light turned green. Then I took the first pull on that new way of life. It ended in a series of coughs. I tried again, more coughing. The day went on and I tried off and on all day. Still more coughing. Is there something I'm doing wrong? I thought I had a handle on the beginning steps, but this coughing is, well, different. I definitely feel like a noob all over again! Beyond that, I've had only one analog smoke today! Once I get this coughing thing under control, life will be awesome! Thanks VT! You've given me a new way to look at things. (apologies for the randomness and possible redundant questioning) -Lex
Congrats! I am SO envious right now. I ordered a 510 kit on Saturday (order shipped today). The excitement is nearly killing me! And on that comment about "Burned Lemon Urine", Ewww! Glad I'm looking around here for how to get started before my kit arrives. That is definitely not something I want to experience! Good luck and happy vaping! (I can't wait to join you and the vaping world!)