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  1. captn comet from moon mountain vapor. This has been my all day vape but i enjoy it with coffie. amazing stuff! <iframe src="https://onedrive.live.com/embed?cid=36BE7FE6E4310F01&resid=36BE7FE6E4310F01%21437&authkey=ANK3Q9wycveb7mE" width="180" height="320" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
  2. <iframe src="https://onedrive.live.com/embed?cid=36BE7FE6E4310F01&resid=36BE7FE6E4310F01%21414&authkey=AMReuwEi53qQf-Q" width="180" height="320" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> My first mech mod, a panzer mated with a igo-w.
  3. Nailed it, thank you. Everything is great and flavor is on point
  4. * .22 ohm, sorry for the type and double post.
  5. by the way I didnt build my first coil, my dealer built it for me and its .2 ohms I think
  6. So today I bought my first mech, Its a Panzer and it works great. I bought e liquid with 6mg of nic and its not working out at all. I'm using a igo-w and I'm getting the clouds i love but this stuff is killing me. I'm guessing because of the dripping I'm getting a bigger shot of nic and i cant stand it. I blew a few big clouds and felt like i was turning blue. so My question, Is there a way i can dilute the liquid so it wont hit so hard so I can actually enjoy my clouds? all help is greatly appreciated. Juice: 100%vg 6mg nic
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBz0z5FqtT4 Thinking about getting some people to help me with this, If anyone could help us its this guy. If we could somehow get him to do more for vaping it would be perfect because tons of people watch his show and he tells it straight. watch how he blast those dems that want to ban e cigs. what do you guys think? please check it out,awesome to have a guy in our corner with access to the masses!
  8. yes! I know the place, bought a bottle of red label and it taste like a a rubber balloon. You should come to brandon and try moon mountain. they make it on the spot and have tons of good reviews. I love there capt crunch, If i had to pick one vape forever it would be that. god i love it
  9. it will take a few tries but you will find your set up,
  10. Was trying to figure out how to attach pics lol, didn't notice I had to click add to post.
  11. cheese!
  12. Something to try, when you finish that pack of smokes go to the store and buy a pack of smokin joes mini cigars. they will come in a pack like cigs and are like 1.50 per pack. They are horrible and you will hate them and this will cause you to reach for your vape rather then those. I quit using this method and I'm an ex smoker for 8 years smoke free for 2 months now
  13. Hello all, Just wanted to introduce myself to the community. Im 24 and have been smoking for 8 years and this past month changed my life. We live in Brandon and my wife bought me a ego from moon mountain our local vape shop for me to try about 6 months ago. I was a smoker and a smoke and a coffee used to be my morning thing and i loved it besides the dry heaving and shortness of breath. I didn't even give my ego a chance at first, i tossed the unopened starter kit in my tool box at work(mechanic) and forgot about it for like 6 months. well i was working late on the 4th of June 2014 and ran out of smokes. I was doing a valve job and had a long night ahead of me but i didn't want to work the weekend. so i grabbed the ego and popped it on the charger for a few hours then filled it with the pomegranate juice my wife bought for me, wow! i couldn't believe how much i liked it. I smoked on it and did not buy another pack of cigs. i did relapse twice when a friend offered me a smoke on a few occasions but after that when i tried to smoke a cig i just couldn't finish it. the experience made me ask myself why did i spend 10 bucks a day on this crap. well on the 11th i bought a itaste mvp and smok mega caromisers, i love my new set up and i feel so much better now that i don't smoke. I love vaping and it helped my quit, I love to see the vaping community grow everyday. please help keep vaping out of the hands of the bt bought FDA, sign petitions write your officials and do whatever you can please. vaping in its current form is the perfect example of free market and we need to keep it that way. very glad to be part of this community and from what i have read you guys are awesome!
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