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Everything posted by Cryyo

  1. I was looking into the totally wicked screwdriver...I want this to stay cost efficient as well. If I was to buy the ego starter kit (which id have to do to get the chargers and such at a reasonable price) and then buy a couple xls it would come to much more than the screwdriver. Is the price worth it?
  2. What exactly are the pros and cons between the screwdriver and the ego? I understand the screwdriver is 900 mah and the ego xl is 750. Is the design of the unit worth the battery life? and is there a starter kit i can get for the ego that would give me the XLs? Also whats the throat hit and vapor production difference between the two?
  3. So with one ego xl battery I could smoke almost constantly for 6 hrs and it would last? I dont want to have to carry around extra batteries or anything. I just want to have a constructed ecig and my liquid when i go out. Thanks for the help so far btw
  4. Ok, I couldn't really find the right section to post this in so hopefully here is ok. Anyway, I started vaping about 2 months ago when I bought the blu ecig. Of course it was a total disappointment with basically no vapor output. So I bought a few 510 atomizers, carts and eliquid and used the blu batteries with the pcc that came with it. This improved the amount of vapor and throat hit a lot but I'm freakin sick of recharging my batteries constantly with the pcc; plus I'm already seeing a decrease in the battery life of both the pcc and the batteries. I want another ecig that has long battery life and pumps out loads of vapor. I basically constantly vape. i work 6 hours a day and generally can recharge the battery after that but im a pizza delivery driver and cant charge during work. I dont want to deal with a car charger or anything like that. I looked into the screwdriver and thought that might be my best bet, but I wanted to make sure it was before I made another terrible purchase like the Blu. Any suggestions?
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