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  • Location
    Dallas, TX

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  1. ElectroNixStix Boss Premium Pillow Mint. Mmmmmmm
  2. Yawl are the best
  3. So if it's above 5.2 then will it turn green? I read the "instructions" on vaprlife and just got more confused haha, but I think I'm getting it now! Thanks guys yawl are the best!
  4. I am using a Joye 510 atty. Not sure what it means when you drop below 5.2 volts though? Is it a voltage indicator or a battery life indicator?
  5. Just got my Joker AV in the mail and am confused about the adjustable voltage. I was confused since they sent it to me with no instructions, and was wondering how you guys know what volt you are vaping at? I thought that when it said to turn to the right that they meant to unscrew it and turn the silver piece to the right, which I'm thinking I was wrong on b/c after many many turns of the screw to the right to loosen up the piece I got frustrated and took a hit and got quite the throat hit haha! So I screwed it back to where it doesn't make me hack up a lung but I have no idea where I am at. Also, I'm not sure how the LED light is supposed to work, right now mine flashes blue for a second when I hit it, but not sure what it means.........I love it already, just trying to figure out the fine tuning. Thanks guys!
  6. Can you use a cartomizer on a Joker AV?
  7. Not going outside with other smokers at my job probably would have been harder on me, but I live in TX and it's 105 daily here, so I am actually enjoying be a non-social smoker right now LOL. Get my fix in the AC while the others sweat
  8. Thanks so much guys!!! I think I will be saving up my money and getting the Joker AV, looks perfect for me. Thanks again, I love the support on here!!!!!!
  9. What differences does the voltage make?
  10. I have been smoke free for over a month now and as thinking of spiffing up my e-cig. I got the Joye510 starter pack and do direct dripping. I was just wondering what the next step up might be.
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