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  1. I would stop using that method! Remember whatever you put in it you will not be able to rinse it completely out. The reason you started using an E-cig was to get rid of 4000 chemicals that are present in cigarettes. I would hate for you to have a health problem down the road because you just didn't know better. Best cleaning method is using a bulb syringe and plain water. There is a video on this forum.
  2. I tried it and I didn't enjoy it a bit. Too bad I ordered 5 bottles to get the deal(5.25/bottle). I saw a review elsewhere that compared it to RY4. Um No not even close. If you like tea fine but I had to give the bottles away. Remember taste is subjective.
  3. I've got 30 cartos in my emergency bunker now. 15 more on order.
  4. No it was only you.
  5. Excellent technique.
  6. Pauls


    Sometimes not slowly killing yourself with cigarettes is difficult but always well worth it in the end. (Thats what she said ) JK Laughing might help I thought.
  7. Grape Soda is the best IMHO. Dulcis 2nd Rootbeer by www.avejuice.com 3rd
  8. Kalani, I see no one has responded to you pipe tobacco flavor issue. I am familiar with black and milds and I haven't found that flavor yet but I have found a pipe tobacco flavor you may like. It is called Boba's Bounty and it is available at alien visions e-juice @ www.avejuice.com. It tastes just like cherry pipe tobacco. Good luck. I love it. Paul S.
  9. I have been using cartomizers for about a month. The best way I found to determine how much e-juice to add is by weighing the cartomizer. I have a digital scale that weighs to the .1 of a gram. You will need that accuracy. The soft top cartomizers weigh 4.1 g brand new without the top mouthpiece(top is .3 grams). I weigh mine like that since I am typically needing to refill so the top is off anyway. I am able to fill the cartos till it reads 5.3 g on my digi. It would weigh 5.6 g with the top on. What I have found is after 1 month I am still using all my original cartos. My secret seems to be refilling at 4.9 g. This will never allow the cartomizer to dry out which is what kills them and the batting inside. Just thought that might come in handy for someone new to the vaping community. Keep on Vaping!
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