Hi, ILuvHuskyDogs.
6mg seems kind of low, especially if you feel you need 10 cigarettes in the morning. Sometimes, you need stronger nic just in the morning when the cravings are particularly strong.
So first, I'd recommend you try something like 18mg (you can go higher) just for the first thing in the morning. And pace yourself. You can taper off to something lower to get you through the day.
Second, what kind of e-cigarette did you get? I don't know what you have already, but maybe you'd like something that could give you more oomph, something with variable-voltage (or variable wattage). Something like an eGo Twist, Vision Spinner, SmokTech Winder, EVOD VV (They're all very similar), or one of the iTaste models (i.e. MVP, etc.).
As to addiction, a lot of it comes from nitrosomines created by the smoke combined with the nicotine. The specific chemicals from smoke haven't been identified. But, with e-cigarettes, you just get the nicotine.
Anyway, keep experimenting with the e-cigarettes to see what works for you. Not everybody can just make the switch, outright, but if you keep up vaping, eventually you may find yourself able to quit stinkies entirely.
Good luck. Keep asking questions and welcome to the forum.