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About bobsyeruncle

  • Birthday 05/24/1969

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    in a cave, eh?

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  1. Nicotine overdose generally produces feelings of nausea. A headache alone might indicate something else. For what it's worth, the word for something that dries you out is "dessicant". Drink water when you're vaping. Just to add to the post above.
  2. Hi, V-Kaff. Welcome to Vapor Talk.
  3. Hi, Mel.Weis. Welcome to Vapor Talk.
  4. Hi, Aminah305. Welcome to the forum.
  5. Welcome to the forum, eafagin.
  6. Hey, that's awesome. Good story.
  7. Hi, ILuvHuskyDogs. 6mg seems kind of low, especially if you feel you need 10 cigarettes in the morning. Sometimes, you need stronger nic just in the morning when the cravings are particularly strong. So first, I'd recommend you try something like 18mg (you can go higher) just for the first thing in the morning. And pace yourself. You can taper off to something lower to get you through the day. Second, what kind of e-cigarette did you get? I don't know what you have already, but maybe you'd like something that could give you more oomph, something with variable-voltage (or variable wattage). Something like an eGo Twist, Vision Spinner, SmokTech Winder, EVOD VV (They're all very similar), or one of the iTaste models (i.e. MVP, etc.). As to addiction, a lot of it comes from nitrosomines created by the smoke combined with the nicotine. The specific chemicals from smoke haven't been identified. But, with e-cigarettes, you just get the nicotine. Anyway, keep experimenting with the e-cigarettes to see what works for you. Not everybody can just make the switch, outright, but if you keep up vaping, eventually you may find yourself able to quit stinkies entirely. Good luck. Keep asking questions and welcome to the forum.
  8. Welcome to the forum, Stew.
  9. Hi, Mike. Welcome to the forum. I'm not sure what kind of charge the Spinner takes, so I'd generally recommend you get the charging block with it. You woudn't want to risk ruining the battery on an eGo fast charger unless you were certain the Spinner could handle the same amperage. Which you'd have to factor into your budget.
  10. Even the cigalikes are bigger than an actual stinky. And none of them will hit better than a Spinner. You've got a good setup; I'd recommend you stick with it for a while longer. But, it's fine if you keep asking. Welcome to the forum.
  11. Well, the FDA admitting e-cigarettes are safer is pretty positive. Unfortunately, no move, as the article implied, on the big issue of approving every device introduced after Feb 15, 2007; The sole issue that could pave the way for Big Tobacco, with their deep pockets, taking over the entire market.
  12. If you don't already suffer from some kind of clinical depression, Chantix can do some pretty scary things to your head. If all you're trying to do is quit smoking, Chantix would be an extreme option.
  13. There's no evidence of toxic levels of chemicals in the stuff you're vaping. There is evidence of trace levels, but overall it's GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe). The levels are much lower in second-hand vape. So, there's no evidence of harm and, really, the only issue is the influence of vaping in front of your kids.
  14. If you have to have a smoke a couple times a day while you figure out your preferred vaping PG/VG ratio and nic content, preferred wattage, atomizer, etc, don't sweat it. It sounds like you're struggling with willpower and we know how well that method works. If you make this an either or type of deal, you might never get yourself off of the stinkies for good. Good luck.
  15. Is there a sandbox here? I was trying to post a video and couldn't find a button to do it. Dreams Are Real - Ryan Barger Turns out you can just post the URL and IP.Board takes care of the rest.
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