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  1. The place I go to does not have that much variety in juices. I have taken members advice on internet sites and wow!! Can't believe all the different flavors out there. Gonna order some my next payday and can't wait cause they have flavors that I like. I like the idea of labeling, but again, I have to invest in more carts so I can have variety. Hope that was the right term! lol This stuff is like a foreign language to me!! haha The place I was checking online is EC Blend and I didn't even know you could get an extra shot to make it more flavorful! So excited to try it cause the juices I got now the taste is very faint.
  2. Jason, you are so lucky you have found what you like. The more I look at the juices the more I want to buy so many of them to try them out. I think I will be going crazy in the next week. They all sound so good. I guess it will be a process of elimination on which ones I like the best. Haha on the OCD with overriding laziness...believe it or not there are many of us out there like you!!
  3. I am glad to hear so many of you had to work at quitting cause it makes me feel better that i am not the only one. My hats off to you for being able to quit before. Everyone backtracks when you do it, don't sweat it, just try not to do it again. Take one hour at a time. I am new to vaping myself and trying to quit. I still am having 10 analogs a day until I can get the right strength of juice and then I am going to stop cold turkey. I think its a great idea to keep a journal and write down everything so you know when you have the craving the worst and maybe you can avoid that. Everyones suggestions are great and I am going to try all. Good luck in your quest to quit. Hopefully both of us with be done with the analogs soon!!
  4. Kelli, that is something I would do but someone said that they label theirs so I think that is what I will have to do or I will forget!! I like variety so I probably will go a little nuts for a while til I get in the groove of things of what I like!
  5. Thanks, I will give it a try!
  6. The place I buy from offers .6%, 1.2%, 1.8%, and 2.4%. Which one of these should I start out with to help with cravings?
  7. Thanks for the input! I started with the lowest nicotine so that may be the problem. I will bump it up a little and see how i do. I will let you guys know cause I want to celebrate when i am finally off the analogs....learning some jargon!! yeah
  8. I can relate! When I start something new I go overboard and buy everything so I can do it right. But like you said, once you figure out what juices you like then I think I will calm down and have a few tanks with replaceable coils so it will be easy and I will have variety. Don't worry, I am sure I will win when it comes to asking stupid questions.....although I have to say, as I was a teacher at one time, no question is stupid. But I do think I will have to borrow that members truck when i get through buying my supplies!! lol
  9. How did you quit? I have cut way back but am finding it hard to let go the last 10 that I smoke a day. I did smoke like 2 and a half packs and couldn't believe I cut back so much once I started vaping. Any advice on how to quit those last 10? I don't know why its so hard cause I hate everything like you do, the smell of smoke, the chemicals, etc. Congrats to you and hopefully I will follow you shortly!
  10. Thanks for the info Tameiki! Good to know cause I did notice that I don't taste it after using it all day. The sooner I get some more tanks and juices all will be good. You guys have been such a great help!
  11. Jasonculp....funny that your niece turned you on to it like mine did! I guess with us being fairly new to this we have to experiment and learn from our mistakes! lol. Good luck to all us newbies and hopefully in a few months we can call ourselves veterans, haha.
  12. Thanks for the input!! Appreciate it. The tank I have does have the coils you can change out so its pretty easy. I think I am going to go ahead and buy some different tanks that way I can have different flavors throughout the day. They are not expensive and I think that would be the way to go. If I have different flavors to change out throughout the day, it might make it more fun to throw those cigs out permanently! Thanks again.
  13. Hi everyone! New to vaping. trying to quit cigarettes and my niece told me to try this. I am still trying to let go and just vape, almost there. I am still learning all the jargon for these things. lol Like all of the parts to them and the best juice to get. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have read the rules, and one post that gave all the definitions which was really helpful. Look forward to chatting with you all and increasing my knowledge cause I really like it. I have a simple i clear tank with a 4 hour battery and the coils with the wicks. (See, told you I am really don't know anything on the names of parts). I do have a question, if you want to try a different juice than the one that is in your tank, do you just drain it or just have a spare with the other juice in it? I really like the place that I bought it from. Its a place called vaporcast. They are very knowledgeable but if I have a question I need to call cause they don't give out directions. Well, thanks for reading and bear with me until I can become a pro like you guys!! Thanks again. Sandiclause
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