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Everything posted by BEERCITYVAPRZ

  1. Its crazy that this is going on I LOVE IT, now alot of vapors/suppliers can vape and conduct business as usual, the fda seemed like e cig/liquid haterz and wanted this banned so bad a few months ago, I really wonder what turned this around, anyways great news and a big FU to phil morris, lol~!!!!
  2. Yeah welcome to VT and I will make a suggestion on what kind of e cig you should buy, most people who have been around will tell you to buy an eGo kit, reason why is the battery life is about 6-8 hours long on every charge, this is good because you are not switching out batteries every half an hour like with your basic stick batteries on the KR808's or DSE901's or even the standard 510, the eGo is a little thicker and has a cone to cover atomizer, looks like a cigar or spliff (also check vids on youtube or pics here at the VT store), its a 510 atomizer connection witch is IMHO the best atty around, best of all is the 3.7 volts, its way stronger than the stick batteries and gives you massive amounts of vapor, after I bought mine about 8 months ago I didn't smoke a "real cig" for 3 1/2 months straight, and I smoked 40 cigs a day back then, basiclly everyone on this forum will tell you to get it, plus its at a great price 70 bucks and alot will throw you some juice in it as well, I think Chris does that still here at the VT store, check it out and good luck jillp PS: they also sell 510 cartomizers for the eGo at the store here and alot of other places for like $1.50 a piece, I use 510 cartomizers on my eGo and it is definatly hands down the greatest and inexpensive way to vape, especially after a KR808, thats what I had before my eGo!!!!
  3. Is there a vid on how to remove burnt threads from your atty, sometimes peeps forget to remove them right away before dripping and using them, I have a few newer lr's that are tasting nasty hopefully getting the threads out will help taste, thanx 4 posting this info.
  4. I ordered a few liquids off of myfreedomsmokes.com during the fda scare, first was flu cured witch was pretty good then I got some newport and when I ordered it they told me they make the order right after its placed and to tell them how you like it in the special instructions so I told them I wanted a TOBACCO tasting menthol, what did I get was some 2 year old halo ice tasting liquid, super NASTY, vaped once and almost puked off it, more money down the drain, ohh well thats the way it goes sometime, maybe this is the reason I ALMOST quit vaping, just lack of customer service on their part to tell me one thing and to get another, a friend helped me with some mentha and im on a better track, thanx VT for having very good quality juice, down to one pack a cigs ever 3 days except when out drinking, lol!!!!
  5. Thanx 4 the support, yeah im getting a feeling my ole lady ordered some fresh cartos for me for X-mas to get back on track, hope to get em on monday, MERRY X-MAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Yeah this E Gel looks like a great idea, maybe this is my answer for cutting back on the few analogs I been smoking lately, Definatly check back on this stuff, Thanx 4 sharing the news.
  7. Ive heard a few people talking about the struggle of maintaining the use of your e cig after going thru your first 6-8 months of using it, idk I've find myself smoking about 6-10 analogs a day now, something I need to stop doing and working on it (stress,whatever?)I give alot of credit to alot of people on the forums who have been smoke free for 6 months, 1 year or more, bcuz going back to a few analogs a day is defeating the purpose of even starting to vape, I gotta place a order of some new cartos bcuz direct dripping hasn't been doing it for me, need to get back on track, HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!!!!!
  8. I know exactly what you are talkin about, im a 555/tobacco guy myself and I get that alot and my only theroies on that is our taste buds are going crazy bcuz we quit or drasticly cut down (in my case) from analogs or vaping at higher voltages will change the taste, I know one vape im like dulcis is awesome and then the next vape im like yuck, its just wierd like that, idk about fruit/candy flavs doing that since I dont vape them barely ever, your not alone on that experience, good luck
  9. Buy your kit from this site, the VT store! bcuz you will no its offical, the cheap price ones out there work but they are knock offs and the battery life on those arent as good as the real eGo or Tornado from totally wicked, the Joye eGo is a 510 so 510 atomizers and cartomizers is what you want bcuz thats the fitting on the eGo, basicly the device you are selecting is the best witch is the 510 joye ego, hope this helps, welcome to VT.... ohh yeah regular nicotine is usaully 16-18mg, light is like 12mg or lower...drip tips are extra, just something you put on the atty for direct drippin, check out a few videos and other posts as well, that might help too.
  10. Keep up the healthy track your on, bcuz of some bs I had no nic in my system for a lttle over a month, unfortunatly I lit up a analog within the first half hour of gettin out but vaped it up when my bat was charged with a fresh LR carto when I got home, so im trying to get back on track, good luck on continuing the streak
  11. Yeah its a e-cig, Johnny depp is just the type of off the wall actor that would incorperate vaping into the movie and letting the director/producers let him pull it off without it initially being in the script, though im suprised a e-cig wasn't debuted in a futuristic sci-fi type movie, seems a tornado or joker would be a good fit in a futuristic style movie, probably next to come....
  12. AVE's flu cured is off the chain, my main vape, just got home a few days ago so I haven't had a chance to order the bobas bounty yet, like Nero alot of juice I've ordered or tried I end up hating it also, and it is just sitting here collecting dust so im passing it on thru a trade I owe, Im still serarching for that perfect blend besides Ave's flu cured, VT's dulcis and sweet caroline from iVape, thats all im vapin right now and a little menthol here and there, good review.
  13. LMAO!!!!! Oprah is a member of the Wu Tang Killa Bees.....
  14. Just learned a few new things myself, awesome! ohhhh yeah, you can also use CARTO = cartomizer, sometimes vapers think CARTO means just a regular plastic cartridge or cart.
  15. Yeah I'd have to agree VG mixed 50-50 or even 70-30 or straight 100% dosen't work well with cartomizers, and I never got sick off of 100% PG e-liquids maybe just a little head rush probably from to high of nic, Good luck with it tho.
  16. Absolutely Agree!!!!
  17. I feel my lungs getting healthier as far as breathing better, but one side effect ive noticed is I grind my teeth now since vaping something I never done before, anyone else experience this?
  18. EDIT: instead of heating coil on this post its called the center post (positive connection on battery)
  19. That was what I was meaning the center post when I said heat coil, Thanx for finding something wrong with another one of my posts, im tryin my best here guy, ok. sorry im not as e cig savy as you are, DONT TAKE THIS ALL WRONG.
  20. Reading your post has me wanting a vacation very bad, sounds like you and your son had a blast, thats great to hear, I also kinda stealth vape as well when in those type of places (airports and my new job a printing factory)
  21. Yeah DIY is good, but dont you need a e liquid nicotine base to do that, witch is from China? Whether you buy it from the states that supplier still got it from China to begin with.
  22. Probably going to get some crazy responses on this but oh well! I was watching the Michael Mann movie called "The Insider" starring Al Pacino and Russell Crowe, if you ain't familiar with the movie Crowe plays a scientist that leaves his job with one of the top tobacco companies in the U.S. because he disapproves with the secret ingredients they are adding to the nicotine to make it even more addictive and he blows the whistle on the issue to the character Al Pacino plays who is the top reporter for 60 minutes and it had me thinking a bunch of crazy things that BT does when they get in a tight spot when concerning losing business (MONEY), now in this movie Crowe receives death threats to him and his family and is constantly being watched, it really shows the shiesty/dark side of BT and even though this is a movie im sure this does happen in real life otherwise I don't think Micheal Mann the Director and Producer of the film would even make it. Now with the issue of e cigs being a threat to the success of BT, its got me thinking that big tobacco IMO does whatever possible to keep things going their way (corruption, pay-offs, lying to the grand jury, and possibly harming/killing innocent people) I mean we are talking a billion dollar a year business (I think its that much) so to keep what they think the pesky e cig industry out of their way it had me thinking that could it be that they have payed off one or even a few of the biggest manufactures of base or flavored e liquid suppliers in China to have a few workers add some harmful/lethal ingredients to a very large supply of e liquid. All base e liquid is from china (I think) so when U.S. suppliers get their base and make all their different flavors it could hold something that could make us vapors really sick or worse, and if there is a hundred or so reports of people getting really sick/dead due to the use of e liquid in e cigs, I think this is something BT is capable of doing to us to whipe out the e cig industry completely, let me know what you think, and if you believe this is something big tobacco could do to rid their competitors the e cig industry or am I just paranoid and something like this could never happen?
  23. "Ahhh Hi yeah im Carla Berg and ahhh I think inhaling e cigs is ahhh worse than traditional cigarettes ahhh bcuz they have ahhh anti-freeze in them and ahhh other ahhh unknown carcinagins in them and ahhh im so stupid bcuz ahhh i dont know anything about the way ethol glycol in e cigs are ahhh used compared to the way its used in ahhh anti-freeze and im just another ahhh reporter who ahhh goes on ahhh national television with not doing any ahhh research of my ahhh own and ahhh and ahhh and ahhh I im just repeating ahh the same bs as ahhh dumb ahhh reporters have ahhh done in the ahhh past ahhhhhhh" OMG LADY LEARN HOW TO SPEAK!!!!!! you are on TV for darn sakes, ahhh LoL!!!!
  24. Katherine Heighl needs to get her facts straight she says "using a e cig is ridiculous" and that "its just water vapor with NO nicotine" duuuuuuhhhh its water vapor with just nicotine, its statements like these by celebs that make e cigs look bad.
  25. Loving the stories and encounters from you guys, great reading! Here's my true stories of the paranormal, in a apartment I lived in in 06' there was a apt. door #11 that I had to pass to get to my door and whenever I would walk pass that door to get to the door to go downstairs and leave the building sometimes I would I hear a woman's voice saying help me in like a EVP type whisper, I kinda shook it off at first but then me and wife started watching shows like ghost hunters and ghost adventures and it really opened our eyes to the paranormal, so one day I asked the spanish lady whom was living in that apartment if she has every heard anything weird go on in there bcuz I told her what I heard a few times in a period of 2 years walking pass that apt. door and what she told me was a bombshell of some scary stuff, she told me she had heard a womans voice on a few occasions herself and if I really wanted to know what happened to talk to the on site manger/maintence guy, well I already was pretty cool with the maintence guy Dave and was wondering why he never told me about this before, so I ask him and he tells me the landlord told him to never tell new tennants of this situation and I had already told him on other occasions that I heard weird sounding like not natural whispers of a womans voice saying help me but he shrugged it off to me and said your just too stoned and imagining things, so I told him the lady that lives there told me to ask you, so then finally he tells me if I tell you, you cant say anything to anyone about this, and I say yes dont worry I aint saying nothing, so he tells me back in the summer of 1999 a younger woman lived there and she was friends with a older lady that lived downstairs and the older ladies son was incarcerated and she was letting him move into her place for his parole, so when this guy comes around him and the woman who lived in the apt. in question started dating for a few months and she found out this guy was crazy jealous, even threatened the maintnece guy Dave that was telling me this that if he caught him talking to her in the hallway (just saying hello) he would kill him and this was right around christmas time, so after the new year 2000 this womans car was missing, so around Jan. 3rd Dave knocks on this guys mothers apt. and says were is your son and the lady from upstairs and the old lady said she hasn't seen him or her since early new years eve day, so Dave calls the landlord and lets him know whats going on and if he should use the spare key to check the apartment to see if every things o.k. so he does and walks into a blood bath, he said there was pools of blood in the living room and bed room closet where her body was found and blood splats all over the walls and ceiling, while he's telling me this he's showing me Milwaukee Journal article clippings of this murder, I was getting freaked out crazy style, so what happened was he was all coked out and confronted her about him thinking she was cheating on him, and she apparently tried to leave and this guy kept her locked in the apt. the night of new years eve going into 2000' and stabbed her 56 times and then stole her car to flee the scene, he was caught like 5 days later down in the latino area of the southside hiding out in some crack house, I moved out a few months later, so the next place I move in witch is the place I live in right now, before I signed the lease I asked the landlord if anyone was killed or had died in the building in the past and he said no, so me and my wife move in and a few months later after talking to people living here tell me back in 1989 the apartment right directly across from me a biker chick from the bar right next to the apartment here had a boyfriend that lived there and was all messed up on a bunch of stuff and killed her in the bathroom, I talk to the guy that lives there now and I go over there and drink a few beers with him once in a while and he tells me at night he can feel her touching his legs and what feels like what he thinks shes getting freaky with him also she whispers in his ears at night when he sleeps, so when I drink over there and have to use his bathroom it feels weird, haven't heard any voices but when we would ask if you are still here then make a knock on the wall, and we will knock then a few seconds later we hear a knock back in response, The paranormal is crazy, im a believer of spirits being trapped and not being able to cross over after the experiences i've had, my favorite paranormal show is Ghost Adventures, these guys go in so hard its like a UFC cage fight, they get the best evidence over any other group out there, damn my hands are tired as heck from typing this, Laters everyone! and Happy Halloween!
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