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    LOSTSOUL VAPORZ reacted to charles vapor in I am done with Kayfun   
    to lostsoul: I really liked the orchid, havent bought or built one yet, but when I tried my friends I was on board

    to vapehappy: Before I started dripping, the double barrel coil was my favorite build on the kayfun, but this was back before I started having all the problems with them. I used 80% VG and went leak free for a long time, but something just happened lol, maybe I was just getting too comfortable and rushing through my builds, I'm not sure. It may be worth revisiting.
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    LOSTSOUL VAPORZ reacted to Mtdobies in Looking for some pro help with an office vape.   
    Yea stealth Vape blow it into your tie or something lol.
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    LOSTSOUL VAPORZ got a reaction from Mtdobies in Looking for some pro help with an office vape.   
    Kayfun is what you need! I have mine set up with an 18500 battery & a stubby wide drip tip so it fits any were, pocket, lunch box, tool bags etc. As far as hiding the vape... Just walk fast! Lol
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    LOSTSOUL VAPORZ got a reaction from Mr Smith in kayfun 3.1   
    Also make sure you clean the kayfun before using it or your going to vape on machining oil!!!
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    LOSTSOUL VAPORZ reacted to Mr Smith in Kayfun Dripper Conversion Kit   
    my thoughts exactly. I didn't buy a KFL+ to be dripping it all the time, and don't see the point in converting it into a dripper when you can just buy a dripper for a reasonable price...
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    LOSTSOUL VAPORZ reacted to Bushwick in Kayfun Dripper Conversion Kit   
    I think we should keep the Kayfun the way it is. If you want to drip, get a dripper. I have no idea what the price is on the conversion kits, but they sound expensive. I'm sure you could grab a patriot for a little more than whatever the kits are going for. Then you have a designated dripper and a kayfun. Why change it? Just leave it the way it is. It was designed to be a Rebuildable Tank Atty, wasn't it?
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    LOSTSOUL VAPORZ got a reaction from Mr Smith in my second coil! love it   
    Thanx for the info & pics, I have to say that my set up is working great for me! Im getting a good throat hit, flavor is great & lots of vape! When I press the button I get instant vape too. I'll keep experimenting & try some of your tips I'm open to different ideas thanx.
  8. Like
    LOSTSOUL VAPORZ reacted to Mr Smith in my second coil! love it   
    My most recent build is my personal best yet

    I run 32g 7.5 wraps 2mm size. comes out to 1.6ohm. (I wrap around a 5/64" drill bit. you can pick one up for $3 at the hardware store)

    and what I have learned with cotton...less is more... don't try and stuff a bunch of cotton in there. wicks slower.

    make it a very loose fit and fluff out the ends by the juice ramps. also try to keep your coil as close and as centered as possible over the air intake hole for best vapor results.

    I get more than enough vapor production off of my 32g wire. and it has the added bennefit of instant vapor production the moment you push the button. no waiting for it to heat up... the thinner the wire the faster it gets hot as it is less material to heat. heating larger diameter objects takes longer than heating smaller diameter objects. Just a little food for thought.

    my 1.6ohm coil fires 3x faster than my buddies 28g .8ohm coil...

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    LOSTSOUL VAPORZ reacted to Bushwick in Beer & vaping   
    I have the same problem. I found that High Brow's Vanilla Bourbon Bean was a very good one. It didn't taste like the VBB that made me fall in love with that juice, but it was enough to keep me from wanting a smoke while drinking. It still tasted good as well.

    Get yourself a good tobacco flavor. One that you really enjoy. Keep it pretty simple, too. The more complex the flavoring, the more messed up it will taste when you are drinking. It will help keep you from wanting a shtanky.
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    LOSTSOUL VAPORZ reacted to Tx Biker in Beer & vaping   
    I have a tank loaded with a juice from my local shop. They call it clear and mild. It resembles a black and mild for the first beer and after a couple it seems to favor a red boro depending on my beer of the night. Either way it's been working. My other two flavors with beer.......ya.....not so much.
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    LOSTSOUL VAPORZ reacted to Conneazoo in Beer & vaping   
    Fadora Vapor's Buttered Popcorn made by our very own Compenstine.

    All other flavors while partaking in the nectar of the Gods is moot.
  12. Like
    LOSTSOUL VAPORZ reacted to Mark in Beer & vaping   
    Well, I'm probably not the person to answer your question as I always have a beer in one hand and a vape in the other.
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    LOSTSOUL VAPORZ got a reaction from RacineNick in New to VaporTalk   
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    LOSTSOUL VAPORZ got a reaction from mcquinn in tried a cig today...   
    I was running late for work today & left my mod in the truck, the parking lot is far from the job site so I got an analog from my buddy. He asked me "are you sure you want to smoke?" I told him just one for old times sake. I started smoking & it was just terrible! I didn't get half way & tossed it! My buddy was impressed! Now he's thinking about vaping...
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    LOSTSOUL VAPORZ reacted to Earthling789 in Thoughts on vaping around children?   
    I'm of a different mind-set, I guess. Children are more curious about things that are "hidden" from them, so the more you hide, the more curious they become. My children were brought up around all kinds of dangers, yet they were never hidden from them (farm implements, machinery, tractors, motorcycles, knives, guns, bow/arrow, smoking, etc.), they know and understand the dangers around them. Which is one of the reasons I finally stopped smoking... for my kids (as much as me)... they understood the danger and how bad it is for you, and I realized what a horrible example I had become for them by telling them, "do as I say, not as I do".

    But back to hiding things from kids... I find that kids are more likely to "play with matches" if they have no idea what they are for, and if they are hidden away in the back of a cabinet. Sure, kids should be protected from dangers, but I don't believe in feeding their curiosity by hiding anything from them.... but that's just me
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    LOSTSOUL VAPORZ reacted to Earthling789 in Thoughts on vaping around children?   
    I just call 'em like I see 'em, lol... and you're welcome!
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    LOSTSOUL VAPORZ reacted to Earthling789 in Thoughts on vaping around children?   
    The jury is still out on that one, but it could be determined quite easily by getting someone to exhale a few times into a gas-chromatograph and simply measure it... but that would be too easy for our government nannies to do

    Seriously, if you worry about it, don't do it, and you'll sleep better at night. It's that simple....

    One thing I can tell you is that vaporized nicotine is absorbed quickly by the soft-tissue of your mouth, tongue, throat and lungs. My best (scientific/medical) guess is that the vast majority of nicotine from each "hit" is absorbed by the body, and VERY little makes it back out into the atmosphere on exhale.

    Also, if your kids eat tomatoes, eggplants, cauliflower, green peppers (and scores of other fruits/vegetables) they are ingesting natural nicotine (in very small quantities).... Nicotine is a naturally occurring insecticide, produced by the plants, themselves... perfectly natural, perfectly safe, perfectly NORMAL!
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