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  • Birthday 09/02/1975

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    So Cal

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  1. Just found out there is a corona & lime flavor juice? I think I will try it out!
  2. How'd u like the orchid? I've been thinking of getting one unless there is not much of a difference from the kayfun.
  3. Well I'm working outdoors in the california sun, my kayfun is in my tool bag & hasn't leaked! My coil is 1.4mm & my juice is 90% VG so that may help. Heat would make it leak when I had the coil at 2mm & 50/50 juice.
  4. I see... my kayfun doesn't have the airflow screw,my other kayfun has the fill hole & air adjustment screw on the side like the Russian & Both my mods are nemesis.Hope you get it all worked out bro.
  5. It happened to me a few times when I barley got mine, I think your tightening the battery to much so contact pin on top is getting stuck to the kayfun. I adjust the button to were it as soon as it touches the battery I stop. Never had the problem since.
  6. In my case as a teen I never wanted to smoke cigarettes, I started buying cigarettes so I can try & cover up the smell of weed! I ended up getting hooked on cigs but never did I start smoking just because so vaping would not been of use to me back then. I'm sure any teen who started smoking because there friends did would have ended up vaping if it was around back in the day.plus nobody really vapes in my area...
  7. Royal-vapors on eBay, in LA You can contact them for large orders.
  8. I messed up the fill hole on my first kayfun & it would have a slow leak! I got the bottom section with the fill hole on the side off of fast tech for my kayfun, like on the Russian for 12 bux. It took about 17 days to arrive tho! Lol good thing I have a second kayfun!
  9. How about an 18500?
  10. I had about 6 anologs on sat...I don't care for analogs at any other time just haven't been able to stick with vaping while drinking beer!!!
  11. I get a little juice also in the top cap but not enough to go up the drip tip. I just clean it with a q tip. I think my aero tank would do this also...
  12. I have 2 Kayfun clones with out the adjustable air flow, I don't need to adjust my air flow the minute I push the fire button I get more then enough vape! I have my coils at .9ohms.
  13. Kayfun is what you need! I have mine set up with an 18500 battery & a stubby wide drip tip so it fits any were, pocket, lunch box, tool bags etc. As far as hiding the vape... Just walk fast! Lol
  14. I just used warm water & a little dish soap. I took it apart & clean each piece.
  15. Also make sure you clean the kayfun before using it or your going to vape on machining oil!!!
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