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    Wichita, KS
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    Outdoors, cars, gaming and other nerdy stuff

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  1. OK, so I've been vaping for a little over a month now and I've decided I need to start brewing my own juice, for a couple reasons: - Cost savings - Flavor experimentation - Better control over flavoring. I've found several flavors I really like, but some I wish were just bit stronger (or weaker) than what I can get online or through local shops - #1 reason - I'm scared ****less the FDA is going to step in and regulate the holy hell out of this industry very soon, and I feel it is most likely that the focus of their regulatory control will be on e-liquids or perhaps even the components for e-liquids, which will drive the prices of pre-mixed liquids and their components through the roof So, I want to stock up on some components (particularly nicotine) now, even if I don't start brewing right away. Just ordered a 500ml bottle of 100% PG 100mg nic solution from Wizard Labs. By my math, this should be enough for around 2 liters of my own homebrew juice at 24mg strength (more, obviously, if I were to drop the nic to 18 or 12mg), which should be enough to last me for quite a long time - probably a year or more. PG and VG seems easy enough to obtain from a multitude of places, and as long as it's USP grade I would think it's probably fine to use for e-liquid. My biggest question is about flavorings. Wizard Labs has a great selection, as well as plenty of other online vendors. But what about flavorings sold on cooking sites used for confectionery, liquors, etc. Are these OK for e-liquid? Is there something different about Amaretto flavoring sold at Wizard Labs versus the artificial Amaretto flavoring I can go buy at a local kitchen/bakery supply store? Are there flavors (or flavor ingredients, if listed) that I need to stay away from - either for health reasons or because they just don't mix or work well when vaporized? Thanks in advance for your comments/suggestions!
  2. +1 on what most others have said. The genuine eGo batteries should definitely last longer than a few months. Get a couple and rotate them. I'm also a huge fan of the MVP - the battery life is OUTSTANDING.
  3. I've been cig-free for just 11 days now (vaping for around 20) and I'm still debating on whether I'm going to eventually dial down my nic level. I find vaping quite enjoyable where I'm at right now with 24mg juice. The throat hit is a huge craving for me - so far, I have not found a juice at less than 24mg that gives me what I need in that department, but I'm still pretty new. I bought some 18mg peach-flavored juice from a local shop and it just didn't do it for me. Same juice in 24mg is awesome. Time will tell I guess - always excited to try out new things
  4. +1 on the iTaste MVP, great device. The battery life is astounding, I have yet to use it up in a day.
  5. I started out with V2 cigs as well several years ago and gave them up. The batteries were horrible (as with most cig-a-likes). They don't last long and go bad (stop taking a charge) after a few weeks of use. The difference between the older "e-cig" style devices you see at gas stations and the stuff that's available now is night and day. The options available for batteries, tanks and juice is phenomenal. All this stuff sounds a bit daunting at first. Batteries, atomizers, cartomizers, clearomizers, juices, tanks . . . it is a lot to take in. Having a local vaping shop for some hands-on advice helps alot. They are popping up everywhere - check around online, I'm sure you've got one nearby. Most smoke shops are now starting to sell e-cigs as well. Also, check out the sticky in the newbie section for some terminology and definitions. I'll try to clear up the terminology a bit for you: E-Cig The first "vaping" devices that came out 7 or 8 years ago. Roughly the same size and shape as a regular cigarette. Disposable cartridges containing flavored nicotine juice screw on the back, they are activated with a little button (manual) or by simply taking a "drag" on the device (automatic). Pro's: Small size resembles a regular cigarette Pretty cheap to get started with Easier to operate - cartridges are disposable, when used, you just throw them away and screw on a new one Con's Over time, buying cartridges and replacement batteries will eat up your $$ Very limited flavor selection Batteries don't last long, and go bad fairly quickly (last a couple months at best) Crappy vapor production and generally crappy flavor You will hate it E-Liquid By this I assume you are referring to a vaping device where you have to refill it with juice when you run out, rather than just unscrew the little cartridge and replace it. There are hundreds of models and variations to choose from, but they all basically involve: 1. a battery 2. a tank 3. your favorite flavored e-juice or e-liquid (same thing, different names) The battery provides power, the tank contains your juice and vaporizes it for inhalation. Pro's: Almost limitless customization Almost limitless flavor availability (seriously, EVERY FLAVOR YOU CAN IMAGINE. If you want to vape chocolate cheesy pina colada with a hint of cow manure, I'm sure someone has a juice for it) Very good parts compatibility (for the most part, your batteries and tanks are almost always completely interchangeable with each other) Excellent vapor production and flavor compared to the older "cig-a-likes" Long term, cheaper to use and best of all - you will actually use it! Con's: The devices are larger - from cigar-sized to looking like the handle of a light saber You *can* spend a fortune - but you don't have to Maintenance - when the tank runs dry, you have to refill it. Eventually your tank's coils will burn out, and you have to replace them. These are not difficult things to do, but they are a little more involved than just replacing the screw-on cartridges Anyway, hope this helps and welcome to the forum!
  6. Welcome to the forum. I am new also, just started about 3 weeks ago. I dropped way, way down in cigarette use right away as well. I used to smoke around 1.5-2 packs per day, went down to maybe 3-4 cigs per day immediately after starting vaping. It took about two weeks to give them up entirely, but probably would have taken longer if I had not gotten an extra "push" by being away from civilization (and gas stations) for 4 days on a remote camping trip. The batteries and tank you selected are great choices, glad you found a good local shop to help you out. I quickly learned that the eGo batteries are not even close to lasting an entire day for me, so I went with an iTaste MVP a few days after starting. That thing lasts a LOOOONG time. Vaping is great, but there's still one or two cigarettes you really miss. Maybe it's the first cigarette of the day with your coffee, or the one you have driving to work, or the one you have with a beer (oh yeah - that one I miss). I also started with a tobacco flavor but quickly became "de-sensitized" to it, and it started having no taste at all. Switching around flavors a couple times per day really helps. I chose tobacco at first because the thought of "smoking" anything cherry or vanilla or chocolate or any other weird flavors just seemed so insanely WRONG to me, I couldn't wrap my head around it. I didn't even want to try anything else. Do yourself a favor and keep an open mind, and try a few different flavors - you might be surprised at what you like. I'm now using Juicy Peach, Atomic Fireball, Creme de Menthe and regular tobacco flavors The Atomic Fireball is GREAT when my juices start tasting bland, it really wakes up the taste buds, the cinnamon flavor is very strong. Anyway, good luck and welcome to the forum!
  7. Well, I did it, finally quit the analog cigs. Went on a 4-day campout with my son's scout pack, took only my eGo's and iTaste MVP. I think I'm finally on-board with vaping. Extremely convenient to get my nicotine fix compared to smoking cigs. I can pull the eGo out of my pocket, take a vape, put it back in pretty much anywhere. Sig updated
  8. I have heard that about plastic tanks, I asked the store owner about it and he said the Atomic Fireball actually has less cinnamon in it than you think and the plastic tank is OK. The tank he had it in on his sampling table was plastic. He has one other cinnamon flavor, Cinnamon Red-hots - this one was in a glass tank, but the Atomic Fireball was not.
  9. Thanks for the warm welcome, all. Since I started vaping I've been smoking maybe 3-4 cigs per day - today, for the first time, just one. Grabbed several flavors from another local eCig shop: Juicy Peach, turkish tobacco, Atomic Fireball (WOW!) and Creme de Menthe. Switching around flavors a few times per day seems to help cravings immensely. Every flavor I try seems to go flat after using it for a few hours, with the exception of Atomic Fireball which always tastes very strong (VERY cinnamon-ey!) I started out using less, but now going through maybe 3.5ish mils per day - loving this so far. Heading out on a 4-day 3-night campout with my son tomorrow afternoon. I plan on bringing my 3 eGo batteries, iTaste MVP, plenty of juice with me - but no tobacco cigs
  10. I am experiencing this right now as well, which is part of the reason why I gave up on e-cigs when I first tried them 3-4 years ago. At the time, I just thought e-cigs sucked in general, and the juice was "going bad" or something. I've read alot about what people refer to as "vapor's fatigue" or "vapor's tongue" but didn't expect this to happen on my 3rd day of vaping. I've been using a tobacco flavor from a local shop called Midnight Express. I figured maybe I was just getting desensitized to the flavor. Kindof like when you visit a feed lot - the smell of cow **** is overwhelming at first, but after 10 minutes or so, you stop noticing it. Today, I went to a different vape shop and purchased some peach-flavored juice (along with a new iTaste MVP). I also dropped my nic level to 18mg, thinking this might allow me to take larger draws and get more flavor. I can taste it, but it's pretty muted. I don't normally drink alot of water during the day, but I drink a crapload of coffee. I'm trying to change this habit a bit, still drinking coffee but water as well. To me, the throat hit is a huge part of the craving for me, which I still get from vaping, but the lack of flavor definitely diminishes the experience for me. I was really starting to enjoy the tobacco flavor, and vaping in general - now I sortof feel like I'm just forcing myself through in order to stay away from the analogs.
  11. Damn did it again . . . added an iTaste MVP v2
  12. Only my 3rd whole day of vaping, and I'm already improving my collection . . . just added 2x eGo twist batteries, Innotek iClear 30s tank. I thought I was going to save money doing this . . .
  13. Good evening, all. New vaper from KS here. I first tried e-cigs several years ago, the little sticks that look like regular cigarettes with screw-on disposable cartridges. They were V2Cigs brand, sortof a friend of a friend was just starting the company and was giving away starter kits to everyone he knew. I am a 1.5-pack-per day (maybe more?) smoker. I gave them a good honest try but didn't really care for them much. I experimented a bit with flavors, but never found one I really liked, and the strength and "throat hit" just wasn't there. Plus, the batteries sucked, always running out, constantly going bad and wouldn't charge anymore. So, after several weeks of on-and-off use I gave them up and went back to my Camel Wides. Recently, some guys are at my house putting siding on my barn, and I notice one of them vaping in his truck while on break. His device was unlike any I had seen available when I tried them several years ago. Big, cigar-like battery, glass tank at the top. The quantity of vapor it produced was astonishing compared to what I had used before. We talked for a bit, he pointed me towards a local e-cig shop, so I went in and got myself a starter kit including an eGo battery and Aspire BDC. Vaping on the eGo now for just 2 days. So far, I'm really impressed. I can already tell this is probably going to be my new obsession. I still find myself smoking a real cig occasionally, just love the flavor of those Camel Wides.
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