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Everything posted by GnarlyBooger

  1. Hello and welcome!
  2. Welcome! I am new as well.
  3. Interesting. You say that there are not a lot of people vaping in China? Welcome to the forum.
  4. Welcome!
  5. I used to be hooked on cigarettes. I quit. I managed it. But I always missed the act of it. The relaxing sensation of blowing out clouds. With vaping there are so many great flavors to try and the act of it alone is a stress reliever.
  6. This is my favorite place to get vapor. I have not tried the coffee flavors yet. The juices are completely customizeable. Good prices too. http://vapehub.com/all-e-liquid-and-e-juice-flavors/cafe-e-liquid.html
  7. I am generally a non smoker. I used to occasionally enjoy a cigar here and there. I really enjoy vaping. I use 0mg juice (most of the time). Vaping is a relaxing activity in itself and has a calming effect on me. Even with 0mg. The act of enjoying a vape does not require nicotine. I say as long as you stick to 0mg and you enjoy it ... why not?
  8. I tried rinsing a coil last night ..... didn't end well. Clean tank, new coil for best experience.
  9. I cannot do it. They saw it once or twice and it was a new thing to them they were interested in. Kids are curious. I try to do it away from them now. And although I vape 0mg (wife vapes 12mg) we still feel it is best for them not to be influenced.
  10. I have the evod glass starter kit. It is pretty good. I will be upgrading. But this is a pretty sweet setup at the moment.
  11. Very Berry from GP vapor. Local shop. 0mg nicotine.
  12. Will kids smoke. Yes. Will kids vape. Yes. No matter what it is invetiable. I hate that people saying fruity flavors target teens. I love the sweet fruity stuff and I am 30 ... and it should be my right to be able to vape. I have 4 kids. If I found out they were smoking I would be upset. If I found out they were vaping ... meh.
  13. Hello! I get juices locally. The place local is pretty competitive price wise and offers a ton of flavors I like. I hav enot yet ordered any vaping supplies online.
  14. It is funny ... I kept seeing this and was wondering why everyone was being welcomed to Vermont .... I am dumb.
  15. I love how this forum links to equipment when referenced. That is so cool. I am new too ... but welcome!
  16. Wow that k100 package looks like a good deal ... thanks for referencing it.
  17. After poking around here I felt I should introduce myself. I am an ex smoker. However I have not smoked cigarettes in many years. It has been a struggle for me. Recently I went to an event in another part of the country where almost everybody attending was using personal vaporizers. I got curious and asked to try one. Long story short .... I went out and got one. Now currently I am vaping 0mg and am enjoying it. Say what you will ... it still helps relieve stress. I am currently using an eGo twist with an evod glass tank. It works pretty well for me although I can foresee myself upgrading in the future. Anyway I am glad to be here.
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