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Everything posted by GnarlyBooger

  1. Now I want to see this movie. A guy I work with tells me it is hilarious.
  2. There is a youtube video out there somewhere where a guy takes a drag of a cigarette and exhales into a tissue, which left a big brown stain. He did the same with his vape and there was nothing left on the tissue at all except a little moisture.
  3. The gateway argument is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. So then what is the gateway to vaping ... chewing gum? I mean come on.
  4. I have been using the MVP for a while now. Bought right from this site. I have had zero issues. Very reliable and the charge lasts a LONG time. Currently using a aspire mini on it but it took my ego stuff too. I hated the tank it came with though ....
  5. The vapor talk store wont let yiou down. I have also been getting my juice from VapeHub. All their juices are completely customizable, 1mg nic increments, and VGPG ratio ... you can even pick the type of bottle they come in. The flavors so far are awesome and they are CHEAP. http://vapehub.com/
  6. Welcome.
  7. You pictures make my MVP look ugly as hell. I need a vamo (because it is affordable). I work technical support and while I probably could vape on the job ... I dont.
  8. I agree with the statements above. Trading one habit for another... maybe. But he will surely like that you no longer smell of cigarette smoke. Vaping is clearly the better option here. Tell him to have a drink and settle down.
  9. I was wondering this also. I have been getting liquid from goodejuice and mt baker ...
  10. Welcome! I was a smoker that quit, for the most part. I smoked cigars 2-3 times a week. I started vaping and have not had a cigar or cig since. Welcome to the forum!
  11. I bought mine from this forumstore about 2-3 months ago .. it sits flush. No problems here.
  12. The twist batteries with a evod glass tank is amazing. I vaped on that forever.
  13. A vape truck would be cool. I dont know that ir would be profitable. But I know if I saw a vape truck outside a bar ... I would likely at least buy some juice.
  14. If I had never smoked... Probably not. But I will say that I quit smoking without vaping. I did still have the occasional cigarette or cigar. But since I tried vaping.... I am a daily vaper. But 3ml will last me almost a week. So I am a very light vaper.
  15. Welcome. Congrats!
  16. Gwar clear bloodbath. MVP with the aspire nautilus mini.
  17. Why not buy a bottle of 1mg liquid and dilute it with the same flavor 0mg juice? Seems odd that that little nicotine would have an effect ...
  18. This video makes me want one.
  19. That is a pretty good investment. Smoking is dead to me. If the government regulates the crap out of vaping I wil lbe a sad individual.
  20. This is pretty good advice. I smoked cigarettes from about 15-20. Then only smoked cigars on occasion from 20-present. Now that I vape ... I enjoy it even more than cigars. The ONLY drawback is ... vapor doesnt seem to keep the bugs away liek cigar smoke did. But hey that may be an indication of how much healthier it is? Maybe?
  21. I think the PGVG blend may have something to do with it as well.
  22. As said above .. no idea if it is safe. But if you are an adult .. and want to vape for flavor .. go for it. Just be aware it has not been fully studied.
  23. I honestly do not think I will ever change from the ego twist batteries (set at almost max V) and a simple evod glass tank. It works perfectly for me.
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