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Everything posted by rjc3095

  1. Has anyone tried a parallel coil using Omega Tigre wire? this is what they send with wire and it's Damn accurate
  2. Mutation X. Love it!
  3. King mod Hades clone Provari Smoktech BEC VTR
  4. Think my ole lady set it there. Couldn't find it for the longest time Evil woman! LoL
  5. Alloy Blends Velocity. Peanut butter flavor. Steeped about a month but well worth it
  6. Mt Bakers Morning Vape is pretty good. Slightly sweet coffee flavor with a slight hint of I think amaretto
  7. Have been doing 80PG/20VG but after getting a sample of Bubbabossjuice.com juice at 97VG/3PG and as TASTY as it is,I believe that's gonna be a good starting point for my dripping career
  8. Sounds logical lol
  9. Ok so what is the difference between the loosely wrapped coils and the tightly wrapped coils vapor and taste wise?
  10. Sold out of the Hades Mod.....also ordered
  11. Welcome from across the pond
  12. Glad I'm not the only 1 Tameiki. The 1 I liked was Apple-Cinnana
  13. I also have had "hit and miss" juice from Fuzion. First time I received from them it was fantastic but last one had absolutely no taste even after steeping
  14. I haven't tried the banana nut bread so couldn't give an opinion on that. The gone nuts has become my ADV using provari with a nautilus tank 1.8 coil
  15. Bananas Gone Nuts is very good as well
  16. Order #42664 Order Date: 7th Jun 2014 This order is marked as Awaiting Fulfillment WOW forgot about this order Lmao
  17. Alloy Blends/Giant Vapes Velocity a mixed apple blend with a little creaminess, and just a touch of bakery magic to create a mouthwatering vape thats reminiscent of a Dutch Apple Fritter Yummmmmm. :-)
  18. 5.3 a1c. Nice ☺
  19. It is very good. Very flavorful
  20. Black Licorice. Very good
  21. Got me a Davide tank from Sweet-Vapes and more Doomberry from Fuzion
  22. I order a lot from Sweet Vapes and they've always had fast shipping. Very nice company
  23. Fuzions Doomberry. Black licorice flavor and it's very very good
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