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Everything posted by flit
I can sympathize with you. I tried the bacon flavor from perfumers apprentice. Bleh!! I also tried the pizza flaver, and believe it or not, it was even worse than the bacon!! Im ho-hum on most of the flavors ive tried, id vape them if they were around, but wouldnt spend money on them again. I threw away the pizza and bacon flavors though. lol.
An update on this; I got my DIY stuff and make a 20mg/ml flavorless juice, which doesnt taste too bad. I had to wait until payday to buy some flavorings from perfumersapprentice, which should be here by at least Saturday (I hope). With what ive made, there isnt an after taste at all. we'll see if the flavorings that come will add a long aftertaste. If after i add flavor there is no aftertaste, then awesomevapor is likely the cause. On a side note, they sent a pineapple flavor which was alright by itself, but when i drank mountain dew afterwards, the taste was just just awesomely magnificent! The pineapple and the mountain dew bring each other to spectacular new heights. I drink a lot of mountain dew so I made damn sure that I ordered extra pineapple flavoring from perfumersapprentice!! lol.
I already posted a question about the eGo's battery life, but I figured this question should be in a seperate topic. My apologies for creating more unnecessary clutter :/ I bought my eGo from the VT store a week ago and got it two days ago. While looking in the VT store for extra parts for it, I notice theres no spare eGo batteries for sale. Why is that? I know the batteries dont last forever, and im going to need to stock up on them. What site should I go to for spare eGo batteries. What sites should I NOT go to? (I dont have a lot of money to take risks on shady suppliers). I had hoped to keep the number of suppliers to a minimum. I dont like running all over the web for supplies if i can find just one place that has them all. I have two places for my DIY, and had hoped that VT could be my one place for hardware needs because everyone here seems so knowledgable and friendly, and from what ive seen Chris seems like an exceptional supplier that keeps in touch with the forum (HUGE kudos to Chris!). Im sure theres a reason that he doesnt stock the batteries... Is there something wrong with them that you wont sell them individually? Thanks in advance for any replies and advice
Ok. Ill just plan on the 2 year thing just to be safe. I was thinking of buying the 500ml of 100mg and then breaking it down to 20mg/ml in 10ml bottles. Im buying for myself and 2 other people, so at about 5 10ml bottles per week it would last for 5 years (in the ball park numbers). So I guess going with the 250 ml of 100mg would be closer to the 2 year mark, or some other combination with less nicotine concentration since working with the 60mg/ml scares me.
I know I can be dense sometimes, but does "E Liquid" mean the nicotine juice as well, before its cut? I thought "E Liquid" was the final "product" that you vape, and didnt include the ingredients (I am probably wrong, it wouldnt be the first time. lol).
I ordered 125ml of 60mg "unflavored smoke juice" from myfreedomsmokes.com (love making my own juices). However, on the bottle there is no expiration date or "best if used by..." labeling. I am wanting to horde this stuff away for when the FDA bans this stuff, as I dont EVER want to go back to analogs. But i dont want to buy 10 years worth if it if it expires after a year or two. Anyone know how long this stuff is good for?
I bought 2 of the stainless steel T-Tips from Super T Manufacturing. I was looking into drip tips and seen Grimm Green's video on youtube about them. The price is like $20 each, but I wanted something that would last a long long long time.
I dont know about a desktop program or widget, but there are apps for things like that. I have a Motorola Droid that has that app and I can check up on it anytime i like. The app is called StopSmoking (Has a blue square with a white cigarette in the middle) and gives how long since you last smoked and how much money you saved. Doesnt say how many cigarettes youve avoided though. It does tell you how long between cigarettes youve gone, and an average per day in case you do cheat. I dont know if they have it for the iphone but im sure they do.
I bought an eGo from the VT store, and am curious how long the battery life is. From what ive read, a regular 510 battery lasts between 1 and 2 months, and a 510 atomizer lasts between 2 and 4 weeks. How long does an eGo battery last for?
In the VT store, there are regular 510 atomizers and extreme 510 atomizers. does the extreme give more vapor or last longer? Im going to need to buy some backups pretty soon since I only have 2 atomizers, and my wife uses one of them.
Greetings, Ive been vaping around a week now. I bought an assortment pack of juice from awesomevapor.com (The one where you can try out 10 different flavors). Ive noticed that while they all taste good, they leave an after-taste that lasts quite a while. Its alright at first, but after a while you wish the taste would go away, which doesnt happen since i vape again before it does go away. Is this long after-taste normal? I've decided to DIY my own juice just to have more on the spot control of nicotine intake, and im wondering if not adding flavors will eliminate this long after-taste?