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Everything posted by pepper

  1. well it may have happened. My wife decided to start vaping after seeing my success, so we hobbled along for a few days sharing my duel ego kit. I ordered a WetBox and have been using that very happily for a couple days. I really love the IMR 14500 battery and the ease of charging, the power, the duration, and the consistent discharge. i also ordered some cartos (trying to simplify the vaping process and mgmt) and went wih the coolcarts from V4L cuz they seemed have a reasonable following, also ordered some 510 carto (waiting on these) cuz all of our gear is 510. (i ordered an adapter for the V4L cartos) Last night the eGo batteries just seemed to be fading hard and fast. I put one on the charger. When the light turned green i pulled it and put on a carto. BIG delay beween pressing the manual button and when i heard the caro kick in, then on what appeared to be a fully charged battery the light starts blinking at me. have only had the eGo two weeks! Now i am not really sure what to do......the replacement eGo battery is $20, even one or two of those a month seems costly. I am thinking about getting my wife into something that uses the 14500 batteries - a big battery model.... I like the wetbox so far but i am not sure if she likes the whoe box "look". The provape units seem pretty stable and not much different than the eGo form factor. Definately swiching to cartos at this point, two weeks of flling carts and mucking with filler has been a pain. so thoughts, opinions, comments apprecited. Big Battery options -ProVape -THE VYPR-510 http://www.vaprlife.com/vypr510.html (will add some more later or start a new big batt thread for archival purposes, no time right now)
  2. i just got one from clouds of vapor
  3. thanks for the replies. i finally went with ProVape (as they had both the 510 cartos in stock and the batts whereas COV did not even though i wish they did). Ordered today at 1pm at just got an email it shipped (which is always nice...lol) I ordered the trustfire batt, the protected with 900 mAH - figured i might as well test that one out too........plus it was only $3.95 (a STEAL!!) I will get by with my ego and use the single 14500 high drain i have and take it all in stride for now...... that provape-1 device actually looks pretty cool, and takes these batts. {i am in Granbury TX, work in Arlington.}
  4. any ideas where i could get these from a retail store? a search on google and they only come up under ecig online stores i just ordered a setup for the wetbox and spaced getting two batteries (just bought one), and i am taking a last minute trip out of town on friday (not much time to order another one) on the other hand maybe someone can tell me (in general) the run time on one of these. if it can get me 6hrs or so i should be good.
  5. hi all - new here got my eGo a couple weeks ago - dropped tobacco immediately and i am very happy about the whole thing. still new and still learning ..... i just picked up a few (3) new atty's and i was wondering what folks do with new atty's. do you test them out at all? do you boil them them and then test them? maybe you do nothing? pray over them? (lol) chime in!
  6. i am about two weeks into vaping, started vaping and quit tobacco immediately. I started with a 24mg liquid.........that hit pretty hard initially! Definately felt the nic buzz. Next i dropped down to an 18mg batch.......did not get so out there but noticed as i was vaping more (replacing the tobacco basically has me nursing on my eGo...lol) I was getting pretty spaced out and absent minded. Sort of feeling like i was sped up with tons of clarity yet unable to put a thought together. It is sort of fun and sort of annoying and sort of satisfying in a safe kind of way. My conclusion is that nic from vaping is a pure and clean delivery of the drug, whereas nic from tobacco is modified and enhanced (not to mention comes with a ton of other chemicals). I believe this to be true to the point that i really had no idea what nicotine truly felt like. The change here comes on many levels and the paradigm shift is probably more profound than one expected. Analogs have been expressly designed to deliver quickly, easily, and efficiently - the better big tobacco can do that the more efficiently they make money and keep repeat cusomers (of course the same is true with all chemical engineering, i.e. starbucks, mcDonalds, Lays potato chips, etc) Over time i expect to better understand my needs and comfort levels with this new delivery system and my body will adjust as well. Clearly i am getting more pure quality drug in the process but also coming off of many bad chemicals, not to mention my body very quickly adapting to healing mode. The natural tendency, i believe, of our bodies is to run as efficiently as possible if given the chance. So - there are a lot of things going right but everything is kinda whacked out. Maybe the analogy is like being at alitude for the first time, being in the mountains of colorado at 5280 or even at 10k or 14k feet. The air is clean yet thinner and for the first few days or weeks it is both energizing yet possibly nauseating as well....lol, over time that levels off and we do not notice it as much.
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