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About twilightbloom

  • Birthday November 2

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  1. I have 3 mods. One is like new. So none of my Samsung batteries will power on my mods. So I bought a new charger and new set of batteries. They are fully charged and no I didn’t overcharge them. But they won’t power on any my devices. I’m so confused.
  2. @earthling789 I use .5 on my tanks. I am not even going begin to build anything. thanks for all the suggestions.
  3. I have a Innokin isub apex tank. Even with a brand new coil, it doesn't want to vape, it has terrible vapor production. And some times it won't vape at all and I can't get a draw off it. Also it gets really hot. I have an aspire atlantis also. I hate this tank also. It leaks like crazy and kills my batter. I use coolfire and joytech cuboid as my devices to vape from. Please what is a good sub ohm tank that doesn't get too hot or leaks. I just orderded a super tank mini by tobeko. I really like the old school tank aspire mv5 and how it vapes. is there a sub ohm tank similar to this? Do you think the super tank mini by tobeko will work for me?
  4. Yes Istick eleaf 30. Yes got at a vapor shop. I am going take back now if I can only find the receipt. You can't sell ecig stuff on ebay. Yes I a positive it's a 2.o coil. I even double checked that on a visit to a vapor shop. Not the one I bought. Sounds like I have a defective battery.
  5. I purchased an eleaf 30 about a week ago. I have on it a horizon tank at 2.0 ohms. I'm vaping it around 3.9 volts. After vaping pretty steadily on it for couple hours, it dies. My ego batteries last longer than this. Do you think I have a faulty device or is it something I'm doing wrong?
  6. I didn't ask about sneaking and vaping. After 3 years of vaping i know how to do that and at my own risk. This forum turned into you can sneak and vape, that wasn't my question. My main concern is did you put your batteiries in your purse or carry on? Did you have to show the ziploc baggie with e liquid at the security checkpoint. Thankfully I found this link.http://www.electroniccigaretteconsumerreviews.com/tsa-guidelines-for-flying-with-e-cigarettes-e-liquid/ it answered my question. And for the person asked about you cant vape on plane where is the link It is on tsa website
  7. Of course I plan on vaping in secret. I meant vaping legally, out in the open.
  8. I know you can't vape on a plane. However for those who have traveled recently how about e liquid and batteries? I know the rule about the certain amount of liquid allowed on a plane in a zip lock bag. Can you have the e liqud in your purse in the ziplock bag and present to the TSA agent? I don't plan on checking baggage but doing carry on bag only. Can I have my batteries, clearomizer etc...on my person, in my purse?
  9. Welcome. I've been doing this over 2 years now and the market is always changing. It's so confusing reading all the different things. You will find what works for you and this is a great place to go for help when totally lost. It's great to be away from analogs!
  10. I just purchased my first lavatube. I got a mini chrome vari tube aka as Young June. It came with two 18350 ICR (LiCoO2) 900 mAh 3.7V Li-Ion Batteries. I charged them until the light on the charger turned green. I'm getting maybe 2 hours battery life out of this thing. I thought it was supposed to last most of the day. I'm vaping at 4.0 on 2.7ohms. Is it the batteries themselves? Or did it not charge enough. It was on the charger for around 3 hours? I am vaping with a vivi nova. I'm new to the lavatube world. Any help would help.
  11. Yes it came with a charger. The vamo was hard to find. If I did find it the supplier would be sold out of the charger. The site I got it from is calling it a lavatube. But a kit for $71.99 plus another $8 off with coupon code, I went for it. I hope it's not a cheap knockoff. They also had the real deal on the vivi nova. The other guy recommended a place to get vamo but I had a feeling it wasn't quite what I wanted and they had no vivi novas. I've only been in TN for a little over a year now. I met my husband online and moved south. I'm originally from Cincinnati, OH. There is still a whole state I haven't seen yet. I haven't made it to Nashville yet. I am going add you as a friend if that is okay.
  12. I found ev cigarettes and they had starter kits on sale. evcigarettes.com I also found me a vivi nova to use with it. I assume I can use it on the vamo.
  13. Bummer electronicstix is sold out of vamo
  14. Thanks for all the information going go check them out know. I'm in Tennessee as well. I am north of Knoxville in Hunstville which is Big South Fork region.
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