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kelli last won the day on June 22 2014

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About kelli

  • Birthday May 7

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    critters, music, self-flagellation

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  1. bc. and i am sure that is a LOT less than you were spending on stinkies every other month. so good for you!
  2. i was scared to death to try DIY because i thought it was so complicated and involved. but it's really not. i bought a 50 ml graduated cylinder and a couple pipettes, and some latex gloves. that's all the equipment i need. it takes me maybe a half hour to make 100 ml of juice, which lasts me more than a couple weeks. i can buy about 1000 ml (qt) of each PG and VG for less than $30. that's about 1.5 cents per ml before flavoring and unflavored nic. i would love to be able to support vape shops in my area, but i have a limited budget. i still buy a couple pre-made juices that i love and haven't been able to duplicate. i am really not here to argue about what anyone should pay for juice or anything else. just want to let people who are on a budget know that there are alternatives.
  3. to be clear, i don't begrudge people for charging whatever they can get, nor people paying outrageous prices if they are ok with it. but i have seen what the actual cost to make the stuff is, and it's cheap. and granted, there is a talent involved in coming up with recipes, formulations and concoctions for which compensation is merited. but still, the basic ingredients are very inexpensive, especially in bulk.
  4. was it uphill both ways?
  5. i have never been an elitist or "juice snob". i have always found juices that were good that were reasonably priced. but some of these "premium" vendors charge a dollar and up per ml of juice. to me, that is just ridamndiculous. i can make my own juice for less than a nickel per ml. and i think it's as good or better than most others i have tasted. or maybe i just don't have sophisticated tastes. but do i care? not.
  6. i started out using kanger T-3's which were far better than what i used before, but compared to the protanks they were junky. they gurgled and cracked with some eliquids. never have used an evod that i remember tho. thank goodness things keep improving. ♥
  7. to add to what has already been said, quitting smoking really screws with your system. your body thinks you are a big fat traitor for not letting it smoke, and it takes revenge. like tam said, drink drink drink. pee pee pee. within a couple weeks things will gradually seem to get back to normal. but there is definitely an adjustment period. i am rooting for you. ♥
  8. i honestly have a harder time with my craving for alcohol than i ever have had for cigarettes. cigs just disgust me now. 16 months today since i have had one. and sorry for you stress filled job. i could never do that kind of work, but glad there are people who do. ♥
  9. since this site has its own store, it feels hinky recommending products from somewhere else. so i won't. ♥
  10. good luck sweetie. i was one of the lucky ones, i guess. i started vaping and never smoked again afterward. of course, i was not a voracious smoker, but still..... i think one of the keys to really being able to quit is to flush your system of the poisons put there by the stinkies. drinking tons of water does this. also, the right equipment. i started with the cig-a-likes and they just didn't satisfy me. but when i found a decent ego battery and a tank that delivers a good "hit", i was all set. you can do it! i have faith in you. if you can go a month without an analog, i think you will find that you can't even stand to be around the smoke. and i guarantee you that when you smoke, you reek.....your hair, your clothes, your house. i can instantly tell if someone walks into a room if they've been smoking. they stink! ♥
  11. i have plebeian taste i reckon, but my all day vape is either MBV jamaican rum. second fave is my own concoctions of peanut butter combined with apple or grape or strawberry. right now vaping pb and green apple. ♥
  12. that thing is ginormous!
  13. you are much more organized than me, earthling. haphazard is my middle name. :p and tam, that's a really good idea and i have tried it. but i have to write down what flavor juice goes with each drip tip. and i invariably lose the list. see? hopeless.
  14. all my relatives are insane. and they probably say the same about me. my backup systems are simple. i have chargers at home, in my car, in my purse and at work. i have 3 MVPs with tanks i fill every morning. those go to work with me. i also have a couple ego batteries, tanks,coils, and juice in both my purse and at work in case or catastrophic failure of all 3 mvps. as disorganized as i am, i am always prepared vape wise. ♥
  15. just don't do what i do. i have like 5 or 6 tanks with different flavor juices, and i forget what is in each one. i end up mixing a lot of different flavors, and some of them are really good, some not so good. and if i do get a good one, it will never happen again because i have no idea what the mixture was!
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