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The Vaping Viking

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Everything posted by The Vaping Viking

  1. Every time I vape in front of kids all I hear about is how much they want cinnabuns.
  2. I'm always curious as to what other folks follow sports wise. So I figured I'd make a list of my own teams (which is rather lengthy as I love watching most sports) and see how they compare and who I can mock/cheer with. NFL: Denver Broncos Detroit Lions Minnesota Vikings (Duh) Baltimore Ravens (Also Duh) NHL: San Jose Sharks Colorado Avalanche Detroit Red Wings NBA: Charlotte Hornets (now that they're finally back) MLB: Detroit Tigers Cleveland Indians (don't ask) College: Michigan State Spartans(Alma Mater) Ohio State Buckeyes Soccer: No. . . just no Rugby: I play rugby but have zero understanding of it I grew up in Michigan, always favored Colorado teams because I want to end up in the snowy mountains where I belong, and the rest are either some random childhood event that sparked my interest or its viking themed. I do everything viking. . . . everything.
  3. TOBH makes a nice brass atty that looks good. Solid cloud production. Also I just got a Raiju that I like minus the face that the cap is so small some drip tips stick out the bottom and hit the screws. But it knocks out massive vapor production with a .15 build.
  4. I'm always sub-ohming. Most of my builds are in a range from .8 down to .14. My sub .2 builds get hot if you drag them repeatedly and flex the button over and over, as is to be expected, but it gets too warm let alone hot, I put it down. You have to be smart about it. A lot of people (not all mind you) have the common sense when the thing by your face is scorching hot to put it away for a bit. I like clouds, a lot. Its my dumb guilty pleasure. As long as you play it smart and don't chain vape the piss out of a .2 ohm coil, you should be fine.
  5. I'm the epitome of a "look shiny new toy" personality. $5000 in tattoos, 9 mods, 34 guitars and a disgusting amount of video games later. . .
  6. For those of you not familiar with the term GAS, it does not involve your bowels or automobiles. It stands for Gear Acquiring Syndrome, which is an actual condition. It's very common in the musical instrument industry. Anyway, what are you GASing for? Myself, I really like that Copper Mutant cone but then I saw the King II 26650 mod. This will be ordered in the next 72 hours. I'm still keeping my eyes peeled for a Sir Lancelot and I sort of want a Crown atty.
  7. I can't get into Mother's Milk, but my local shop does give 10% off ODB if ODB comes on Pandora.
  8. I just like a chunky mod. Feels good in the hands. Like a battle axe or something. Plus if you attach a 26650 atomizer, it looks like a giant robot stoagie. The battery life is just wonderful as well especially with low builds.
  9. I have two, a Stingray and a Hades and love both. Probably because they're friggin huge.
  10. http://www.intagme.com/vapeviking/732845748494265781_1303642554/ Theres a video of my vikingness
  11. This, just 100% this. My bank account just cringed again. They just need to open the preorders already. Its out in a few weeks. http://www.ultravaping.com/product-p/h-gu-chmutantco.htm
  12. Organic cotton is easy to get, cheap and comes in huge bundles. I haven't seen anyone use silica before.
  13. And don't make your first build some braided quad dragon stovetop coil. Just start with singles.
  14. I'll contribute. . .
  15. I'll try and get pictures but I have a few I enjoy. My Stillare is a dual parallel coil, 24 gauge with 6 wraps at about .32 ohms. My Quasar is a single coil, 26g 8 wraps around .4-.5. My main atomizer is my Patriot, parallel vertical quad coil with 26g coming in at .2 initially but after messing with it on a broken ohm reader (which said it was .88), I finally put it onto a functioning reader and its now at .17. That explains why my den looks like the movie The Mist (which was terrible).
  16. I was just being punny. I don't care for kicks, kinda defeats the purpose of mechs to me.
  17. Welcome to VaporTalk. I was on ECF too but this place just seemed more appealing
  18. I missed out on the preorder for the next batch because I'm cheap, and two days later I heard someone was cloning them. Any clue who is doing it or when they'll be out?? I need that mustache in my life.
  19. Is this thread just for kicks?
  20. Got my Heimdall in a few days ago, my new #1. Plus, it kinda fits the whole nordic theme so. . . yeah.
  21. Well thank Odin
  22. I spit out a giant cloud from my window on a rather still winded day right next to a cop and all he did was ask what flavor it was.
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