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    reno, nv

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  1. kidd666

    Box mod

    I was thinking of a hana modz DNA 30
  2. kidd666

    Box mod

    I've been thinking about getting into a regulated box mod. And was wondering what are some brands I should look at. I already build coils and that good stuff most my builds are between .3 ohms and .7 ohms. So a box mod that would be able to handle these would be preferred. What suggestions do you guys and gals have?
  3. Yea I ordered 30 ml of Boba and a 20 ml of smurff piss How long should it steep.for
  4. What type of flavor profile does this have? Is it more on the tobacco side or a fruity side?
  5. What about the vtc4
  6. Can I get some recommendations for What kind of Barry to use. I'm u asing 18650 efaest batts right now
  7. Yes to both of those
  8. I have two mods that I was using. I have a king mod and a kracken tip that was working great but then mu firing button started getting hot when I would hit it. I wanted another set up so I got one. Now I have a patriot tip and a new mod. And I'm getting the same problem. Is it shorting on the mod or the tip I've tryed both tips on each mod and no luck fixing it there. Open to suggestions on what to do
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