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Everything posted by CloudMaker

  1. 6mg Nic https://fivepawns.com/shop/grandmaster/ WOW! What a total treat - creamy peanut butter, banana cream and caramel - so buttery smooth - Absolutley worth $27.50 for 30 ml. Very pleasurable vape, easily could be an ADV. I'm vaping it on a Aspire Nautilus using the iTaste 134 mini. It is amazing to see how fast my sense of taste is changing since I got-off tobacco. I've already lowered my nic from 12 to 6 in just 18 days. -CouldMaker
  2. I really like the Vision Spinner and have just ordered the Vison Spinner II (1600 MWh) . At home I rock an iTaste 134 mini. But it's way to big to lug around for travel and work. I just keep the Spinner in my shirt pocket where I used to keep my cigs. I started with a Kanger eVod but really like the Vision Spinners better - especially the Variable Voltage.
  3. Absolutely worth it in my opinion. I started on a Kanger eVod with a Pro Tank 3 mini but once I soon found I like a very light and airy vape as opposed to a heavy and hot one. So I switched to a Vision Spinner (VV) and immediately noticed a difference - now my all day home vape is on an iTaste 134 Mini (VW) using an Aspire Nautilus adjustable airflow tank - I am in HEAVEN!! Although a bit too big to lug to work everyday - I'm now going to use a Vision Spinner II with an Aero Tank Mini - also with adjustable airflow - for my travel and work vaping. All of these products worked well - but as I evolve as a vaper I find my needs and tastes evolve as well.
  4. Mount Baker Vapor and E-Blends are my 2 favs right now. Very high quality and reasonable prices.
  5. Thank you for your responses. Yes I suspected the nic might be playing a role in the harshness. And I sure have found HUGE differences in my tanks - especially the ones that adjustable air flow (Aspire Nautilus) versus the ones that don't. I'll try steeping the perfumey one I have now as you advised and see if it helps. Thanks again! -CloudMaker
  6. Hi - I've been having this problem with certain E-Juices and I'm not sure if it's due to steeping or nic level or me being a noob! I taste-test EJuice in my local shop and find some wonderful and complex flavors - but when I buy them (1.2% nic) and bring them home they do not taste like they tasted in the store. Many are harsher and almost perfumy. Any suggestions? -CloudMaker
  7. Hi Everyone! I just wanted to give a shout-out. I'm a total noob - only been at it for a couple months but am totally hooked and tobacco-free for the first time in 45 years. Impertinent as it may seem, I started a Vape Blog! https://steamcloud.wordpress.com/ to help-out other noobs like me get through the learning curve and hopefully help inspire and educate along the way. Plus I just really needed a place to go on and on and on about vaping - I've worn all my freinds and family out. So Hello out there! I hope to make some new vape buddies! -CloudMaker
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