Thought I would jump on here and introduce myself and my new group on FB.I have been smoke free and tobacco free since 4-17-2010 and LOVE IT! I would have never been able to quit if i had not discovered e-cigs. My first kit was made by green nicotine and was the biggest piece of garbge i have ever seen! I actually did a vid on it called green nicotine sucks! on youtube but my old channel was deleted.After being ripped off by the green $hit machine I discovered Xhale 02 and used them to quit smoking. I then quit vaping all together until the other day when I got a killer deal on a ego t kit for 20 bucks so now I vape for taste using 0g nicotine free juice. I am very much thankful for ecigs because if not for them I would still be trapped by big tobacco and would certainly have developed health problems by now .Because of this i have started a group for Arizonans and really anyone who has vaped here or wants to join to help fight big pharm and big tobacco and to keep people informed as well as allowing people to sell their kits. you can check it out here thank you for having me an I look forward to parooseing the forum for new mods and builds and meeting new vapers everywhere!