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Everything posted by GA_Boy

  1. I love my SVD/Nautilus set up. I would go for the longer life bat. Spinner 2 is my alternate/backup.
  2. My boss puffs his VV and a BCC Mega in his office all day, so I figured I could puff my SVD with a Nautilus. I was right.
  3. So you like Spinners, eh? I am really pleased with my Spinner 2. It lasts forever. I am currently sold the Nautilus so I will be adding a few more in the near future. I do feel obligated to buy a protank and a davide since so many people here swear by them.
  4. I love my Nautilus. I think I need to clarify. Based on what I currently own, should I buy more tanks before I buy another mod? I want another mod, but I think a few more tanks first is more logical.
  5. I currently have a Vision Spinner 2, two aspire bdc ets tanks, the iTaste SVD, and one Aspire Nautilus tank. I am leaning towards getting another Nautilus, and I know I want to try to new BVC coils from Aspire. So I guess my question is, on average, how many tanks do you all have for each mod?
  6. I caved yesterday and just had to buy my first mod. Neither of the local shops had the Vamo in stock so I picked up an SVD and a Nautilus to go on top.
  7. I live south of Atlanta but have to agree that the North GA mountains are beautiful. We take a family trip to Blue Ridge and then raft the Ocoee every summer. I'm really loving the Spinner II and everything about it. I don't see many people mention the Aspire ET BDC, maybe because it's not glass (I don't know). Thanks for the warm welcome everyone.
  8. Ok, so that looks damn good. Maybe I'll just buy it all and rotate around tanks and batteries.
  9. I have read a lot of good stuff about the ZMAX. I definately don't need anything like an EVIC. As far as mods go I have been looking in to the VAMO, the ZMAX, the SVD, or maybe even the Cool Fire 2. I'm definately not ready to get in to the RBAs or the RDAs.
  10. I did keep one battery and one ce4 as well as the chargers, but the other battery was falling apart and had a flashing light (it basically stoppped working). I did keep both 510 420 mah chargers which I use for the Spinner. I have thought about the Nautilis on the Spinner, but it seems like it would be a top heavy setup and mabye even look a little odd.
  11. Hey everyone, I've read enough informative info here that I had to join. I have been vaping for a couple months. Started with two blister kits (600mah and ce4s). I have recently stepped up to the Vision Spinner 2 VV and an Aspire ET BDC. I am really loving this setup, and have since trashed the small bats and the ce4s. The 1600 mah spinner lasts forever (although it does take a while to charge). I suppose the two go hand in hand. The Aspire BDC has been wonderful as well. Now I'm debating on buying another Spinner v2 and another Aspire BDC tank or two, of stepping up to the Vamo V5 with the Aspire Nautilis. I have read that the Nautilis coils are expensive and hard to come by. Money aside, any thoughts from you guys on which of these should be my next purchase...
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